Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December 2009 Prayer Requests

Cape Town Metropolitan Evangelism Team

South Africa is a country rich in diversity. There are 11 official languages in South Africa. There are many religious beliefs in South Africa. This country prides itself on its tolerance and teaching tolerance in school. It is because of this that religion is not banned in schools. At the majority of schools in South Africa, there are Muslims student groups, Hindu student groups, atheist groups and Christian student unions (CU’s). In Cape Town, the CU’s in high schools have very active committee members who plan all the events for the year as well as two camps a year. During the weeks, the students meet for prayer and Bible study. Among the Cape Town Metropolitan Team, there are 6 high schoolers. Five of these 6 are very active on the CU and 4 of them are CU leaders. During this past year, at two of the local high schools, over 50 high school students accepted Christ as their personal Savior. This may not have occurred if there had not been worship services, prayer times, testimonies, Bible studies and camps. Please be in prayer for these CU’s, for their leaders, for the unbelievers at each of the schools, and for the MK’s (missionary kids) who help lead them. Pray for conviction, wisdom, endurance, and a deepening love and knowledge of God. Pray for God’s blessing on these CU’s and the schools at which they are held. Pray also for the schools and their teachers and administrators that they would continue to be open to allow the CU’s and that any teachers who do not know Christ will come to know Him through the testimony of the lives of these teens and the teachers who know Him.

Communications Support Team

Several team members are doing coverages for the virtual prayer walk and World Cup focuses. Pray that they will see the cities of South Africa with God’s eyes.

Pray that the Africa Stories magazine and Web site (www.africastories.org), will tell God’s story in an effective way.

Pray that Storying T4T groups will continue to challenge believers and interest non-believers in knowing God’s Word.

Durban Urban Evangelism Team

Pray that more Christians in KwaZulu Natal (KZN) will gain a vision for a Christian Center on the Westville campus of the University of KZN. There is already a Muslim center and a Hindu center but no Christian center.

Pray for the diverse ministries of KwaDabeka Baptist Church as they provide business training for work opportunities for the unemployed as well as AIDS ministry. Pray for the pastor and church leaders that they will not grow weary in well doing as these weekly tasks can become discouraging.

Finance Support Team

Please pray for a spirit of unity at the new support center compound as the transition continues that we would all seek to honor the Lord with our words and actions to one another.

There is much work to be done to close out the year in a timely manner and be ready to start 2010 in the new accounting program. Please pray for wisdom and strength, good health and focus for the finance team as they work toward this end.

The finance team anticipates being able to move into a completed building sometime before year end. Please pray that this is able to take place and that the set up of the office and internet goes smoothly.

Johannesburg Evangelism Team

Pray that more South African pastors catch such a vision for their areas and people.

Pray they will want to bring us along and that we will, led by the Holy Spirit, will have hearts prepared for the journey.

Logistics Support Team

Pray for the building project at BIMS. Pray that things go smoothly and will be finished by the end of November.

Personnel Support Team

Pray for those missionaries who are struggling with serious family problems back in the US. It is hard to be away from our families when they are going through major struggles.

Pray also for all our children (TCK’s) that they will know Jesus as Savior and Lord and then be a witness in their various school situations.

Pray for parents’ guidance in how to best provide for their TCKs’ educational needs. Pray for Father to grant wisdom and motivation to do whatever is needed with love and joy. Pray parents will know how to meet their TCKs’ individual needs.

Port Elizabeth Evangelism Team

Please pray for career missionary, Boyd Hall as he to identify mature ministry partners to help him as he leads Global Community Games (KidsGames) promotions and training workshops in preparation for WC2010 ministries.

Soweto Evangelism Team

Eight young women were baptized Sunday in Snake Park in Soweto. Several overcame their fear of water to make this bold step in proclaiming their faith. Please pray for these women as they witness to friends, and especially their families, who often hassle them and put expectations of ancestor worship participation on them. Pray for their spiritual growth. Pray that their bold witness and love for Jesus would lead more people from Snake Park to Him!

Tshwane Evangelism Team

Central Baptist Church is located very strategically for impacting people coming to the city for the World Cup Soccer matches in 2010. They are about a mile or less from the Loftus Stadium where matches will be held. Tshwane/Pretoria is one of the host cities and Central is currently making plans to impact people with the gospel during the World Cup. Pray for Central as they plan and train people for this event. The World Cup is an even bigger event than the Olympics.

Windhoek Evangelism Team

Namibia is a young country only gaining independence from South Africa in 1990. In addition to the country being young, the population is also young. According to statistics the mean age in Namibia is 21, life expectancy is 52 years of age, and 42% of the population is under the age of 15. Surely, social issues such as high unemployment, extreme poverty, and the high incidence of AIDS attributes to the youthful population of this country.

Career missionaries Bryan and Dana Bullington have a heart for young people and have been intentionally targeting this population segment in Namibia with the Gospel of Christ for over 15 yrs. They believe that they key to evangelizing the nation is through sharing Jesus Christ with youth in the urban setting who can then share their faith with others.

Pray for the Bullingtons and the team of young national leaders with whom they work in a ministry of the local church known as YWAP (Youth with a Purpose). Pray for wisdom and guidance this month as they begin planning the new year ahead and seek God’s will for direction. Pray that the Holy Sprit would inspire the team as well as begin working in the hearts of the many young people in Namibia who need to know the saving grace of Jesus Christ.