Cape Town Metropolitan Evangelism Team
A staggering number of 2009 matric students failed the exam. The CTMET spoke with the Principal of Linge School and will be beginning a tutoring program. Bonnie Doughty, Amy Boone and Sheri will be tutoring in Science, Math and English. The English part will be the learners reading Bible stories and from the book of Mark to see how much they comprehend. This is a way of helping them learn English and also learn about the Lord. The teachers, are thrilled to have assistance. Please pray that the students will learn these subjects well enough to pass high school. Pray that through this program they will come to know the Lord. Pray that the missionaries will be able to minister to the teachers at Linge, as well as the students.
Communications Support Team
Pray for Margie D as she settles in to life in South Africa and to working with new team members. The team is excited that she is here! Remember Jesse and Kristen as they are away most of the month of January covering ministries in southern Sudan. Pray for everyone on the team to meet deadlines so the World Cup Web site can be launched by the end of January. Remember especially the virtual prayer walk of urban centers. Pray for opportunities that Steve and Tom have to train churches and teams in using Storying T4T.
Finance Support Team
Beginning February 8, for 3 weeks, the Finance team will be doing the new program training with folks from Richmond. It will be intense and tiring. They must try to keep up with other work while this is going on. Please ask others to pray for this time that it can run as smoothly as possible with the computers being able to stay connected to Richmond. Our IT guys need prayer, too!
Johannesburg Evangelism Team
Pray that more South African pastors catch such a vision for their areas and people. Pray they will want to bring us along and that we will, led by the Holy Spirit, will have hearts prepared for the journey.
Logistics Support Team
Pray for the building project at BIMS is completed and support staff moves in.
Several members of our team are going through tough medical issues at this time. Pray wisdom for the doctors and endurance for those not feeling well. Pray for all our MKs who have resumed school. Pray they would all see and experience their value in the Lord. Also, pray for peace and understanding as many are struggling and grieving with the suspension of camps and AGMs.
Pray that the intensive sports ministry training (1-2-3 Conference) would gather the necessary “steam” to continue for 1-7 February. Country-wide, these training meetings are struggling for adequate numbers of participants (drastic drops from last year’s numbers). Pray that Boyd Hall would have the wisdom necessary to equip workers for utilizing ‘KidsGames’ during WC2010 - life-changing ministry by Christian youth to bring many children into the kingdom.
In the past there has been 1 Bible study each Tuesday morning for church members and others. We have been meeting in various homes. Beginning in two weeks we will meet in 3 homes in 3 parts of Snake Park. This should allow a more regular attendance, less transport problems and that more would begin to attend. Our goal is to also have people be willing in this year to begin leading these studies. "I myself am convinced, my brothers, that you yourselves are full of goodness, complete in knowledge and competent to instruct one another." Rom 15:14 (NIV) Pray for people to feel called to do this. Pray that more would attend. Pray for people to grow in knowledge and wisdom.
Tshwane Evangelism Team
One of the major problems of planting churches in the urban center of Pretoria is that facilities for worship and ministry must be rented or purchased. These facilities are usually less than adequate and very difficult to find and expensive. Often, the church must share facilities with several other churches and this usually creates a less than ideal situation. Please pray about future solutions to this problem. Pray that we might be able to establish a strong indigenous church with its own facilities or a ministry center where multiple churches and ministries could be based. From this place other churches, ministries, training, and outreaches could be begun. This would require a big miracle. So pray. We have a God that can do far more than what we dream or think is even possible.
The Namibian Evangelical Theological Seminary (NETS) located in the capital of Namibia trains national leaders to serve in local churches. Training is a crucial part of church planting and a real need in this part of Africa. The Lord has provided an opportunity for career missionary, Ron Jones, to teach in the seminary this term. Pray for Ron as he seeks to equip these men to lead the church in Namibia. Pray that the nationals being trained might grasp the Biblical truths being taught in order for them to be able to then pass these truths on to others. Pray that as they learn these truths that they would also be faithful in applying them to their lives; leading by example just as Jesus did. Pray also for the relationships Ron will build with these national leaders as well as the other faculty in the seminary. These relationships could open doors to future work throughout the country.
Follow-up to previous prayer request:
Over the past couple of years, you have been praying for the people of Barcelona Township in Port Elizabeth. Through door to door witnessing, Bible Studies, and frequent volunteer teams from the United States, many in this community have been ministered to and heard the Gospel. Unfortunately the missionaries working in this area are leaving Port Elizabeth. Two couples have completed their terms and have returned to the US and a third couple is moving to another city. This has been a matter of prayer for the community and the missionaries over the past several months. Praise the Lord that a local Pastor JG and his church have come alongside these new believers! The first official church service was held in a local garage, and layman, SM, from Pastor JG's church has left his church to minister to this body of believers. SM's wife will be leading the children and they both will lead the youth! They have already had 1 baptismal service with 10 youth, a mother of two, and an 82 year old grandmother. There is also praise that a second baptismal service will be held soon. It is because of your praying and your support of the Cooperative Program and the Lottie Moon Christmas offering that the Lord used this to grow His kingdom. We praise the Lord for his direction of Pastor JG's church to come alongside Barcelona Township church, but we also thank you for doing your part. It takes the whole church to reach the whole world!