Cape Town Metropolitan Evangelism Team
Last month, a team from North Carolina came to Cape Town. During that week they worked in 6 communities. They prepared soil to be laid on a field for children to play soccer and while the children ate lunch they had the opportunity to get to know them and witness to them. For the other 6 days of their mission trip they witnessed in different communities. That week, 32 people gave their lives to Christ! Pray for the new believers that they will join their local Baptist church. The pastors of the churches have received the names, addresses, and phone numbers of these new believers and these believers were given the pastors’ names and the church phone number and address. Pray for the churches that they graciously accept these believers. Pray also that these churches be set on fire to go into their communities witnessing door to door and bring more seekers and new believers to the church.
Answered prayer:
The ESL class begun at Claremont Baptist Church is seeing great steps being made in English comprehension. The ladies are beginning to understand English well enough to answer questions about the story and to read the Bible stories for themselves. Pray for the health of their families as they go through the winter; many of them have family members who are ill and they cannot afford to buy medicine. Another ESL class began in a suburb for 10 young Congolese men. Pray that they will not only learn English but that they will also understand the Word of God from which the lessons are derived and accept God’s free gift of salvation. Pray for each of these men to have enough food to eat, clothes to wear, and shelter from the winter weather. Pray for them as they are so far away from loved ones and are concerned about their families’ safety.
M. Bruce and Pastor Brian drove through the township of Phillipi, up to a small 2-room home about the size of a 1-car garage. Bongaliswe, one of the boys from M. Bruce boy’s club at Mzamomhle Primary School came running to meet them. Excitedly, he invited them into his home to meet the 6 others. After visiting, Pastor Brian invited them to the new Baptist church starting just down the road. The following Sunday, 3 of them came to church. Pastor Brian gave an altar call and all 3 of them along with 4 other boys from club came forward and asked Christ to be their Savior and Lord. Pray for M. Bruce and Pastor Brian as they follow up with these young men and their families.
Durban Urban Evangelism Team
Roger H. meets regularly with 10 men to challenge and nurture in their faith. Pray that each of these men will grow under the leadership of the Holy Spirit and deeply impact their families, workplaces, and churches by being channels of God’s blessing and instruction.
Pray for Carol B. and the BARTeam as they continue to meet for First Aid Training and to proceed with a benevolent project for a needy nursing home community. Because of economic hard times, these folk live with the barest of necessities. Pray that the love of Jesus will flow though the BARTeam as they minister to each individual and that lives will be changed.
Johannesburg Evangelism Team
When teams come from the States, it is easy for nationals to join in ministry. But after teams return home, sometimes nationals tend to be less committed to the task. Please continue to pray for the church plant in Bez Valley, downtown Johannesburg (Joburg). Pray that those attending the home cell groups in that area will continue to be committed to Bible study and sharing the gospel with neighbors. Pray that many will come to know Christ personally. Pray for Pastor K as he makes an effort to combine the cell groups into a church. Pray for their safety, as well.
Port Elizabeth Evangelism Team
Continue to pray for the Halls, their family in the States and their ministry in Port Elizabeth. Pray for the Jensens as they serve in a support role.
South African Urban UPGs
Pray for a group of Muslim ladies who attend an Islamic studies class at a mosque. A worker was able to share the "Creation to the Cross" story with about 10 ladies at the mosque. They listened intently and asked questions. Pray for truth to take root in their hearts and for God to bring to mind that story, as well as give them dreams and visions about Jesus.
Pray for W. as he conducts a “Camel” seminar on the campus of UKZN this month for nearly 20 students who asked for this special training. He is also leading a “Go and Tell” seminar in Sept. for Asherville Baptist. Pray that many would come to know Christ as a result.
Soweto Evangelism Team
At the recent Horizon Baptist Church’s mid-year general meeting they voted to sponsor Faith Baptist, in Soweto, as the church applies to the Baptist Union as a fellowship. Please pray that these two churches will have a dynamic growing relationship. Pray that more from Horizon will desire to help spread the gospel in Soweto and help disciple/mentor the Faith Baptist believers.
Tswane Evangelism Team
Pray for the Bible studies and ministry going on in Pretoria. Pray that a strong church will be started in downtown Pretoria.
Windhoek Evangelism Team
Please join us in prayer that the youth who made decisions during the annual YWAP camp in the month of June would remain faithful to the commitments they made. Also pray that those whose hearts were touched among the FBC Woodway team, as they experienced international missions first hand, would be faithful to what the Lord would have them do in the future concerning the great commission:
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matt 28:19-20 NKJV
Answered Prayer:
In response to our prayer request for the month of June, missionaries Bryan and Dana Bullington state:” We want to thank you for your prayers during the month of June for our volunteer team who came to join us in ministry. God amazed us in all that He did through the 22 member youth team from FBC Woodway, Texas. They were well received around Windhoek as they performed in music, drama, and testimonies during school assemblies and afternoon youth and children groups. Namibian seminary student, Rikondjerua, expressed that the Texan youth volunteer team ‘demonstrated once again that we are all a part of one Church through Christ. Even though we have cultural differences, Jesus unifies us, for truly our mission is the world.’ Most days ended with the team walking and praying in different areas of town for spiritual breakthroughs.
The Woodway youth also joined us in our annual youth camp whose theme was I Expect. Seventy Namibian youth were led in foundational teachings in order to grow spiritually and they gained a better understanding of how to live out their faith in their day to day lives through practical applications. Beside the wonderful times in Bible study, worship, recreation and eating lots of delicious food, many of the youth made spiritual commitments throughout the weekend.
We praise God for raising up prayer partners for our June youth ministries and we thank Him for all the ways He has answered their prayers for us.”
The Support Center
Please pray for all our support center staff as they minister in different areas around the center. We praise God for all they are doing among the peoples in South Africa.
Please pray that God will renew and refresh them daily as they meet the demands of taking care of all our workers around Africa! We appreciate them so much!