Answer to Prayer from Gail in Cape Town:
The doctor is releasing dad to go home tomorrow. He will have an IV line hooked up into his arm for antibiotics and the nurse will visit him at home to start a drip each day. She will also check his vitals. My stepmom and others will be cleaning the house top to bottom before he gets home to get rid of dust and allergens so that nothing could make his coughing start again. He is looking forward to being home for Christmas. They know he will not be given chemo or radiation and he will not have surgery to remove the tumors so it is all about making him comfortable and healing what they can, the infection.
Please continue to pray for Gail, her dad, and the entire family, especially during this Christmas season.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Cape Town
Please pray for Gail's dad and her whole family!
Well, I have just received a phone call about Dad. The cancer has returned in four places in his body which includes the lung and kidney he has left, as two of the places. The specialist doctors will all get together on Monday to decide what to do. Whatever they do, he must be rid of the pneumonia first. Stepmom said the kidney, lung, cancer, and heart doctors will all meet and decide his case next week. I must say I wasn't expecting that. Please pray for the doctors. Pray that God will give them wisdom in their decision making process.
Well, I have just received a phone call about Dad. The cancer has returned in four places in his body which includes the lung and kidney he has left, as two of the places. The specialist doctors will all get together on Monday to decide what to do. Whatever they do, he must be rid of the pneumonia first. Stepmom said the kidney, lung, cancer, and heart doctors will all meet and decide his case next week. I must say I wasn't expecting that. Please pray for the doctors. Pray that God will give them wisdom in their decision making process.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Cape Town Xhosa
"What's missing in this picture?" We asked ourselves, as we sat in the Xhosa worship service. We saw children, mothers and even some men but few, very few youth coming to church and engaging in the body of Christ. So where are the youth? Are we as the body aware of what we are missing? Could it be that the youth are missing the value of engaging with His body? 1 Corinthians 12:27, Paul writes, "Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it." With the partnership of FUGE, local Baptist churches, and the Xhosa Student Ministry Team, it is our desire to spend a week together in March with Christ-engaged youth leaders from the local Cape Town Xhosa schools and churches, encouraging them and challenging them to be part of the body of Christ. Please join us in asking God to put together His team to invest into these youth. Thank Him with us for faithfully meeting all of the needs, support and prayer to make this camp possible. And most importantly, ask Him to engage the Xhosa youth leaders into His plan to be part of this week and part of the body of Christ. Thank you.
Youth camp will be taking place the last week in December. This is a wonderful time for the youth to reconnect with their friends from Southern Africa and strengthen their relationship with the Lord. Please pray for safe travels for the youth and the team coming to lead them. Pray that they will enjoy their time with friends. Pray that the Lord will draw each of them closer to Him.
Most African congregations are comprised of women and children. The men are happy for the women to go to church; but may not go themselves. We praise the Lord for the many men who are attending Compensation BC and for their eagerness to grow spiritually. Recently, they asked Barry to start teaching an adult Bible study while the children are having Sunday school. Please pray for Barry as he starts to prepare for the adult study which will begin in January. Pray that the Holy Spirit will guide him in his studies and preparation.
Please pray for two university students, F and A, who have received Jesus DVDs and New Testaments. Pray that during their break from studies, they will look at the DVDs and read the New Testaments. Pray that S and W would be able to reconnect with them when they return from stateside, and would be able to encourage them to consider Jesus.
Hundreds of adults and children live in abandoned buildings or shelters in inner city Durban. Pray that the message of hope and the love of Jesus will be shared with them. Pray that they will know the love of God in a very real way. Pray that the Church will reach out to these precious souls during December.
Due to conflicts between DRC and Zimbabwean immigrants at the Compound in Compensation, many of the families will be displaced in lieu of farm workers moving into the housing. Please pray for L and her family who are faced with the task of moving out of their room. Pray that they would find suitable accommodation, and that it would be in the area so that she and the children could continue to walk to church. Pray for this single mother of five to be able to find full-time work so that she can adequately provide for her family.
Christmas is currently a public holiday in South Africa. However, that may not be the case for much longer. Recent complaints and requests have been made to the government commission that say the Christian holiday is biased and unfair to other religions that do not have public holidays in South Africa. Pray for the Christian community in South Africa as they face this issue.
Pastors L, A and S are all hoping to see new church plants in the coming year. Pray for wisdom for each of these men. Pray for S and W to have wisdom to know how they can assist and encourage their efforts. Pray for the Lord to open more doors of opportunity for evangelism training as S and W return from the States.
The Namibia Teach would like to ask you to join us in praying for the following:
Thank you!
Cape Town
The Cape Town Baptist Seminary graduated a new army of ministers in November. Some will return to northern Africa countries; most are from South Africa. Pray that they will continue to follow the Lord’s promptings and receive ministry positions. Pray that God will continue to provide for them and their families. Pray that those who left families for four years to study in Cape Town will find family waiting excitedly and with open arms to see their returning ministers for God.
Followup to previous request:
In the newest English class in Elsies River, Cape Town, South Africa, there are now 13 students from 2 major faith systems. The exciting part is everyone wants to be in a Bible study. The even more exciting part is that a local Burundian refugee lay pastor, an elder from his church, and Gail, will be visiting all the students in their homes to prepare for this new Bible study that will be lead in their heart languages, Swahili and Kirundi. A local Baptist church has offered the use of their building for when they want to become and official church. Though there are only 13 students, these student with their families total almost 40 people. Can you imagine the praises God would have when they all raise their voices in prayer and worship?! Continue to pray for this group of refugees to grow to know and love the Lord and then, in due time, to take their faith back to Burundi.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Family Member's Surgery
Please pray Gail's mother on your prayer list this week. Gail works in Cape Town. Tuesday morning her mom will be having an operation on her shoulder to repair it from the fall she took earlier this year. The doctors know she has a tear in the tendon around the rotator cup but may find a fracture as well. She is a very active 71 year old and to have her shoulder to be immobile for weeks is going to be hard for her. Pray for the doctors as they operate. Pray for patience during the healing process.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Xhosa in Cape Town
Last month you joined the Xhosa Student Ministry Team in asking God to multiply His work among the Xhosa youth. We are thanking Him for answering by 3's. Praise God for providing for 3 Xhosa nationals along with team members, Britnie and Sarah, to be able to attend a life skills training founded in God's word and Jesus Christ to use in the classroom. Thank God for providing 3 new opportunities this month to show the Jesus film about the unmatched life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ to students and parents from 2 schools and 1 church. Please join us in asking God to continue to multiply and draw many to come, to see, to hear and to desire to know Jesus Christ. Thank you.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
From Cape Town
Here is an update on Gail's dad. He is still having pain, so the doctor wants to try him on another kind of nitroglycerin until Monday to ease the angina pain. Since the doctor started him on lasix (anti-water pill), he has lost about 10 pounds of water on his lungs and around his heart. He will continue to take that. He has had to stop the blood thinners for 4 days before the catheter so is having to eat only certain foods that will help him during this time. He will go to the hospital at 6:30am Monday for the cath. He won't be able to roll over for 6 hours after the procedure so he won't be home until our night time, if all goes well.
Thank you for praying for him these past two weeks. Please continue to pray for him, the doctors, and his wife.
Thank you for praying for him these past two weeks. Please continue to pray for him, the doctors, and his wife.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
CMET Worker's Father
I (Gail) spoke with my father tonight. He sounded more positive about this waiting game. He said he has been able to get a lot of fluid off his heart with the water pills and that has helped some. He still would like prayers because the catheter is only scheduled for next Friday and 1) it is still a week away and 2) he wants prayer for his doctor while he does it and for his body as it is going through it.
Thank you so much for your prayers at this time. My family, his siblings, seem to be the most concerned. Please keep them in your prayers, as well.
Thank you so much for your prayers at this time. My family, his siblings, seem to be the most concerned. Please keep them in your prayers, as well.
Monday, September 17, 2012
BU Assembly
Baptist Union pastors around South Africa will be meeting together from the 28th to the 30th. Pray for them to hear a fresh word from the Lord. Pray for this to be a time of renewal and refreshment as they gather together for the conference.
Durban, South Africa
James will be house-sitting for fellow workers until the family returns from the U.S. in early October. Pray for James as he lives in the house and takes care of the family dogs. Please pray for the family to receive the medical clearance that is required so that they may return to South Africa.
Pray for M, one of the students in S’s ESL (English as a Second Language) classes. Although M has moved to Johannesburg, S was able to share Truth with her during one a recent visit to Durban. M is also in touch with fellow workers in Johannesburg who are ministering to her. Pray that the Lord would continue His work in her life and that she would come to faith in Christ.
Durban, South Africa
September 16th through 22nd:
Join Linda in thanking the Lord for R’s continued desire to study God’s Word. As the study of “Seeking Him” progressed, it was evident that it may have been too advanced at this time. So, the ladies have started a study of the women of the Bible instead. Please pray that both ladies would see God afresh through the lives of these biblical examples.
While in Johannesburg this week, Barry will also be driving another 3 hours to a rural area in order to deliver and install window screens for fellow workers. Houses built in these areas are never “uniform”. All the windows in the house are different measurements, with even the measurement of top of the window being different from the bottom of the same window. Pray that the screens will be the correct sizes and that installation over the existing security bars will go without problems.
Cape Town Refugees
Continue to pray for refugees who choose to live in poverty in South Africa instead of in war in their home countries. Many have never lived in a place where the military is not fighting against a group within their country. To live in a country where there is relative peace allows them to experience a bit of the Promised Land. There are hardships, though, being away from their home country. Most refugees come to South Africa not knowing how to speak English. Some have work credentials that cannot be transferred for use here; thus, they are without jobs. Refugees in South Africa are constantly aware that xenophobia (hatred of people from other countries for fear they will take the few jobs that are available) is almost always on the minds of South Africans. What can God offer them? Through your contributions, workers are able to teach them English so they can talk in their adopted country and so they can apply for jobs. With English they can go to the doctor and be understood. Also, in these English classes, Gail uses the Good News to teach them a language and of the Gospel. Eventually they read it for themselves in the Bibles given to them. Please pray for these people who are also near to the Father’s heart that they would hear and understand the Word, that they would learn English and find employment, and that they and their families would survive in a new country.
Youth in Cape Town
In May of 2011, we shared with you about the astounding number of South Africans that are in their 20's and younger making up over 60% of the population, and we asked you to join us in praying for God to move in the hearts of national partners to reach the Xhosa youth with us in the most logical place to find them, the schools. Since that time God has opened up a total of 7 schools and continues to open more schools for students to hear about Jesus Christ through the platform of teaching life skills, after school clubs and holiday youth camps. We have seen God place His passion for reaching this younger generation within the hearts of Xhosa Pastors K, L, and B, and just recently a young Xhosa woman, T. Please pray for these partners that God would continue to fuel their desire to faithfully engage with and share about the hope in their lives from knowing Jesus Christ. Ask God to make a way for teachers, like Mama I, to attend a Life Skills training where they can learn more about Jesus Christ and share about Him with their students. Join us in praising God for His good plan in reaching the Xhosa youth and pray that we,along with our Xhosa partners might be faithful to continue follow HIs lead. Thank you.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Three-year-old AIDS Orphan at Medical Crossroads
In Durban, little Seth is 3 years old, and was brought to Tabitha Ministries’ orphanage as an infant after his mother, mentally deranged in the last stages of AIDS, buried him alive. An alert neighbor dug him up and caregivers at Tabitha have raised him. Because he is HIV-positive, he has battled with illness after illness, and recently was hospitalized with meningitis. He has taken the first round of Anti-Retroviral (ARVs) and they have not been effective in stopping the virus’ effect on Seth’s little body. Doctors are hesitant to give him the second round of ARVs as they are much stronger than the first and are concerned that he won’t be able to handle the drugs. If they decide not to give him the second ARVs, they will take him off all medications and he will most likely die within a month. PRAY that he would be strong enough to take the meds and they will work to bring him back to health.
Durban, South Africa
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Friday, June 1, 2012
Cape Town - June 2012
Prayer Requests:
1. The seminary students are getting ready to take final exams. They need endurance to finish the race well.
2. There will be a vacation Bible school combined by three local churches the last week of June. Please pray for the children who attend as well as the teenage workers and their youth ministers.
3. The English classes: one Burundian family is so desperate they want us to adopt their 2 year old daughter. The team is helping the family with food, clothes and trying to find jobs for them. These are not the only ones who need jobs. 80% of the refugees are jobless.
4. Gail's mother was dragged at a running speed down the road by a harnessed frightened alpaca. She has a fractured shoulder and had an MRI done on her rotator cup yesterday. Results on the MRI are pending. Please pray for healing. The doctor said that durgery to repair a rotator cup on a woman her age, 71, would take 6-12 months to recover from.
1. Word is getting out in the community and more people want to go to an English class. Muslims have asked to be included in the next new class. The book of Mark in the Bible is used to teach the classes so it says a lot that Muslims are willing to learn English using the Bible.
2. The seminary mission week showed the students ministered to churches and schools. They worked to set up Bible studies and to reach out to addicts and children and their families.
3. James and the mission team all returned safely from the Amazon River. Over 900 people were seen during the week and over 1300 prescriptions were written. OVer 300 children came to the children's program.
Thank you for praying!
1. The seminary students are getting ready to take final exams. They need endurance to finish the race well.
2. There will be a vacation Bible school combined by three local churches the last week of June. Please pray for the children who attend as well as the teenage workers and their youth ministers.
3. The English classes: one Burundian family is so desperate they want us to adopt their 2 year old daughter. The team is helping the family with food, clothes and trying to find jobs for them. These are not the only ones who need jobs. 80% of the refugees are jobless.
4. Gail's mother was dragged at a running speed down the road by a harnessed frightened alpaca. She has a fractured shoulder and had an MRI done on her rotator cup yesterday. Results on the MRI are pending. Please pray for healing. The doctor said that durgery to repair a rotator cup on a woman her age, 71, would take 6-12 months to recover from.
1. Word is getting out in the community and more people want to go to an English class. Muslims have asked to be included in the next new class. The book of Mark in the Bible is used to teach the classes so it says a lot that Muslims are willing to learn English using the Bible.
2. The seminary mission week showed the students ministered to churches and schools. They worked to set up Bible studies and to reach out to addicts and children and their families.
3. James and the mission team all returned safely from the Amazon River. Over 900 people were seen during the week and over 1300 prescriptions were written. OVer 300 children came to the children's program.
Thank you for praying!
Muslims of South Africa
Request: On-field workers have started an ESL (English as a Second Language) class for some North African refugee women. It is important for these refugee women to learn English in order to get a job, or even do something as simple as take their children to the doctor and be able to explain what is wrong. These women come from one of the most unreached people groups in the world. Pray that the Lord will use the conversations during English lessons as opportunities for workers to share the gospel, and that the Holy Spirit will move in the hearts of these ladies to receive salvation.
Praise: One of our Muslim friends has been ill and has not been able to go to work much less get out of bed for several weeks. On-field workers gave this Muslim woman an audio recording of the Bible in her heart language. When she can’t sleep or get out of bed, she has been listening to the recordings and has questions about what she is hearing. Praise God that she is able to hear the gospel in a way that she can understand!
Praise: One of our Muslim friends has been ill and has not been able to go to work much less get out of bed for several weeks. On-field workers gave this Muslim woman an audio recording of the Bible in her heart language. When she can’t sleep or get out of bed, she has been listening to the recordings and has questions about what she is hearing. Praise God that she is able to hear the gospel in a way that she can understand!
Xhosa of Cape Town
"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord,"they are plans for good and not for disaster to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 Journeymen Sarah and Michal put this verse to music with motions when they first arrived in Cape Town to help Xhosa students they work with in the township schools remember God's promise. As they look back on the past 2 years, they have been reminded that God has had a good plan for their lives in Cape Town as He has given a future and a hope to many students they have shared Christ with. For example at Linge, the learners in the after school leadership club are flourishing - acting out Bible stories, singing worship songs and learning from the Bible. Pray that the enthusiasm of these learners and their desire to learn more about God continues to grow after Sarah and Michal leave in July. Pray that Sarah and Michal will have sweet goodbyes and continue to put their hope in God's good plans for their future.
Windhoek, Namibia
Youth With A Purpose will be hosting its annual youth camp in Windhoek, Namibia on June 22-24. The theme will be “Saturate”, with emphasis on teaching the youth the importance of telling others about Jesus and helping them to feel equipped to do so. Please pray for the camp leadership and for the youth who will be attending to have hearts and minds open to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. We greatly appreciate how you are so faithful in praying for the ministries in Namibia.
“But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth" Acts 1:8 NKJV.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Xhosa in Cape Town
From May 16-26, a team of college students from Gardner Webb University will be partnering with m’s in Cape Town to reach Xhosa students with the good news. Student teams that come to work along side of m’s have incredible opportunities in the schools to show and to share with primary and secondary students how Christ has changed their lives. The Xhosa students listen intently and ask many spiritual questions when they see and hear these college students who have come all the way from the U.S. to be with them. Pray for this team as they pray for, prepare, travel and share with the Xhosa students that God would use them mightily to see this younger generation transformed into Christ followers. Partnership is vital and can come through prayer, giving to the cooperative program and Lottie Moon, and going like this team. “And I rejoice over the coming of Stephanas and Fortunatus and Achaicus; … for they have refreshed my spirit and yours.” 1 Corinthians 16:17-18a
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Muslims of South Africa
One of our Muslim friends has been ill and has not been able to go to work much less get out of bed for several weeks. On-field workers gave this Muslim woman an audio recording of the Bible in her heart language. When she can’t sleep or get out of bed, she has been listening to the recordings and has questions about what she is hearing. Praise God that she is able to hear the gospel in a way that she can understand!
Durban, South Africa
W talks with UKZN students each week to begin spiritual conversations with them. Recently, he spoke with a group of Muslim students who seemed to have a genuine interest in learning more about Christ. Pray that he would have more opportunities to connect with these students. Pray for the believing students who accompany him that they could follow up with those who are interested in knowing more.
Windhoek, Namibia
Windhoek is located on a plateau between two mountain chains at an altitude of 6000 ft. The winters are cold and harsh for those living in the informal settlements with no running water or electricity. A volunteer group from Eastern Heights Baptist Church in Jeffersonville Indiana will be traveling to Namibia in June to join career workers Ron and Lisa in distributing blankets to many living in these areas. As they offer these families a glimpse of hope in facing the cold winter nights, they will also be sharing the Gospel message offering them everlasting hope.
Pray for God’s provision for this team coming out as well as for God’s blessing upon this upcoming evangelistic effort.
Matt 25:35-36 “...for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me” NKJV.
Friday, May 4, 2012
The Door of Hope ministry began in a church in downtown Johannesburg (Joburg). In the wall around the church is a door that connects to a bin. Moms, who want to abandon their babies, can put there baby in the door. An alarm will sound at the church, then someone will come rescue the baby. Hopefully, the baby can be placed in a loving forever family.
This Monday, the Door of Hope folks are meeting a person in Soweto who might allow us to put our baby bin on their property! This has been an ongoing request for over a year! Could this be the place? Pray for the Spirit to guide and confirm! Can't wait to have this set up so that we can help rescue some more of the 3 babies abandoned every day in Joburg/Soweto.
This Monday, the Door of Hope folks are meeting a person in Soweto who might allow us to put our baby bin on their property! This has been an ongoing request for over a year! Could this be the place? Pray for the Spirit to guide and confirm! Can't wait to have this set up so that we can help rescue some more of the 3 babies abandoned every day in Joburg/Soweto.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Windhoek, Namibia
This month we are rejoicing with four of Ron’s students who will be graduating from Namibian Evangelical Theological Seminary(NETS) this weekend. Please pray for S, Z, A, and E as they begin leading the local church. Pray that they might be faithful in applying the truths they have learned, choosing to be obedient to God’s Word, and encouraging those they lead to do the same.
Continue to pray for Ron as he not only teaches at NETS, but as he trains several young pastors in the informal settlements. Pray for understanding as he strives to present the biblical principles in a manner in which these young men might truly be able to grasp. Pray for also for safety as Ron is now often out in the township after dark in order to provide training for these men who work during the day.
Pray for Lisa as she continues counseling adults and children through Philippi Trust Namibia. Pray for much wisdom and guidance as she shares biblical principles in an effort to help them find the peace and joy they are seeking. Pray also for strength and energy and good time management as Lisa is completing her last graduate course, as well as her practicum and internship in order to bring her studies to a close!
Xhosa in Cape Town
“He is risen. He is risen indeed!,’ is a familiar greeting of followers of Jesus Christ as they gather together today around the world to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Savior and our Lord. In the township of Philippi, just outside of Cape Town, a small but growing group of believers are celebrating Resurrection Day together for the very first time. Whether they gather in the classroom of a local school or within the small living quarters of one of the families, there will be plenty of worship and gratitude toward God for “His indescribable gift” in Jesus. Pastor Brian and his wife will not be able to hide their joy, as they praise God with the people He has brought into this new young church. Won't you rejoice with them today? Pray that God will continue to grow and build His church in Philippi. Please pray for Pastor Brian and his wife as they both juggle the responsibilities of a family, jobs, Seminary classes, along with starting a new church. “Now to Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen” Ephesians 3: 20-21
Muslims of South Africa
Open doors. In our town, a large Islamic complex is about to open that includes shops, a free medical clinic, a school, and a mosque. When fully operational, it will be quite the bustling community center. The desire of on-field workers is to engage this center and the people who will go there to have spiritual and physical needs met. Pray for open doors for on-field workers to be able engage this place through volunteer opportunities over the next year.
Praise the Lord for His answer to our challenge request last month. Not only did the Lord give on-field workers favor with ladies in the class, but He gave opportunities to share the truth that Jesus is the way to heaven. Workers were able to give Bibles and Scripture cards to several Muslim ladies! Three on-field workers also had a chance to meet with the Mulana (one of the head leaders of the mosque) and share the gospel with him.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Update from Cape Town
Gail and Ronnie are working with a refugee "church" to teach them English (Gail), train the "pastors," teach them to witness, and train them how on teaching the Bible to children, teens, and cell groups. These refugees are from Rwanda, Burundi, and the DRC. They have very little money, but each week they pay to ride the train twice a week from wherever in Cape Town they live to attend the English class or church and training. These people want to learn. They want to get jobs. They want to know more about the Word.
Please pray for seminary students as they continue through the year. There are a few international students from Zim, Namibia and America who are attending and are trying to adjust to a new culture and to studying in English, for many of the students.
Also, pray for the young adults Ronnie teaches each week. Ronnie is teaching them "The Story" method of witnessing and then they hope to go to university campuses and witness and start Bible studies.
Thanks for the prayers for Ronnie's mother, Earlene. She had a stroke on March 16th and was very confused and couldn't talk. By the following Tuesday, she was almost back to her old self, which is still limited because she is 81; however, she is a lovely woman that people enjoy visiting.
Please pray for seminary students as they continue through the year. There are a few international students from Zim, Namibia and America who are attending and are trying to adjust to a new culture and to studying in English, for many of the students.
Also, pray for the young adults Ronnie teaches each week. Ronnie is teaching them "The Story" method of witnessing and then they hope to go to university campuses and witness and start Bible studies.
Thanks for the prayers for Ronnie's mother, Earlene. She had a stroke on March 16th and was very confused and couldn't talk. By the following Tuesday, she was almost back to her old self, which is still limited because she is 81; however, she is a lovely woman that people enjoy visiting.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Mapping Joburg
Urban Mapping is a method for discovering strategic focal areas for ministry in your city. Pray for 3 teams of coworkers who will be mapping Joburg over the next month. Pray that they will have many opportunities to share their faith and that they will see through God's eyes as they explore areas where we believe there is little to no gospel witness.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Durban Ministries
Roger and many Christian leaders around Durban are preparing for “Power to Change”, a comprehensive Christ-centered media campaign that will embrace Durban throughout September through print and digital media of all kinds. Testimonies of local believers will be shared across the city, and local churches will follow up those who desire more information. Pray for wisdom for all aspects of preparation, and for more laborers for this potentially great harvest.
*As Roger & Meg prepare to leave Durban in May, there is much to do. Please ask God to raise up willing people to continue mentoring various folks we work with, and for someone to lead the Discovery Group training Meg is doing at World Changers Academy.
*N and T lead a Friends of Jesus Club that meets Mondays at Upper Room Lighthouse Church near Chatsworth. Forty-five children from the shack settlements nearby attend. Ask God to grow these kids into strong Christ-followers, and to protect them as they live in great poverty, amidst rampant drug, alcohol, and sex abuses.
*Mrs. S is a big-hearted lady who runs the Drop-In Centre for Orphans in Tshelinyama (Blackstone) township. The 45 children under her care live with either a parent dying of AIDS, or on their own. They come to Mrs. S weekday mornings for breakfast. Little ones stay for daycare while older siblings go to school for the day. In the afternoon they receive a meal, homework help, and then go home. Thank God for Mrs. Shozi and others who run 9 such centers, caring for hundreds of such orphans and vulnerable children (OVC).
*“T loves kids and is starting a Friends of Jesus club for the orphans at the Drop-In Centre for Orphans that her mother runs. Pray that Meg will be able to identify and train a mentor/co-teacher to help T learn to lead the Club well. Ask that the children, from pre-school to high-school, will absorb the teaching at their own level and learn to trust their heavenly Father for all their needs.
*S is a young mom who has begun a Friends of Jesus club for her little sister and other children in the township of Chesterville (Umkumbane). Ask that God strengthen S in this new challenge, and help her to balance caring for little 8-month old, her home, and college studies.
*Meg is helping to forge a partnership between the Bible Society of South Africa and the Community Outreach Centre, a Christian non-profit group that caters for the needs of orphans and vulnerable children in nine townships near Pinetown. The project will train 47 community workers to share God’s Word with AIDS-affected parents and children using the “Proclaimer”, an audio player that is solar-powered. Pray for successful training on March 27th and 30th. Ask that as God’s Word goes forth, it will empower the listeners to live upright lives in the midst of many challenges. As many as 600 households may be reached in this way.
*As Roger & Meg prepare to leave Durban in May, there is much to do. Please ask God to raise up willing people to continue mentoring various folks we work with, and for someone to lead the Discovery Group training Meg is doing at World Changers Academy.
*N and T lead a Friends of Jesus Club that meets Mondays at Upper Room Lighthouse Church near Chatsworth. Forty-five children from the shack settlements nearby attend. Ask God to grow these kids into strong Christ-followers, and to protect them as they live in great poverty, amidst rampant drug, alcohol, and sex abuses.
*Mrs. S is a big-hearted lady who runs the Drop-In Centre for Orphans in Tshelinyama (Blackstone) township. The 45 children under her care live with either a parent dying of AIDS, or on their own. They come to Mrs. S weekday mornings for breakfast. Little ones stay for daycare while older siblings go to school for the day. In the afternoon they receive a meal, homework help, and then go home. Thank God for Mrs. Shozi and others who run 9 such centers, caring for hundreds of such orphans and vulnerable children (OVC).
*“T loves kids and is starting a Friends of Jesus club for the orphans at the Drop-In Centre for Orphans that her mother runs. Pray that Meg will be able to identify and train a mentor/co-teacher to help T learn to lead the Club well. Ask that the children, from pre-school to high-school, will absorb the teaching at their own level and learn to trust their heavenly Father for all their needs.
*S is a young mom who has begun a Friends of Jesus club for her little sister and other children in the township of Chesterville (Umkumbane). Ask that God strengthen S in this new challenge, and help her to balance caring for little 8-month old, her home, and college studies.
*Meg is helping to forge a partnership between the Bible Society of South Africa and the Community Outreach Centre, a Christian non-profit group that caters for the needs of orphans and vulnerable children in nine townships near Pinetown. The project will train 47 community workers to share God’s Word with AIDS-affected parents and children using the “Proclaimer”, an audio player that is solar-powered. Pray for successful training on March 27th and 30th. Ask that as God’s Word goes forth, it will empower the listeners to live upright lives in the midst of many challenges. As many as 600 households may be reached in this way.
many Namibian profess to be Christians few live in obedience to God’s Word. It
seems as if many in the country have responded to the Gospel, but that the
Gospel has not yet transformed the culture. In order for the Gospel to
transform the Namibian culture an emphasis must be made in teaching nationals
deep Spiritual truths in a culturally appropriate manner. This is why Ron
spends many hours a week preparing and lecturing in the local seminary. Four of
his students will be graduating on the 24th of this month. Please
pray for S, Z, A, and E as they begin leading the local church.
Pray that they might be faithful in applying the truths they have learned,
choosing to be obedient to God’s Word, and encouraging those they lead to do
the same.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Muslims of Southern Africa
A reproducing church. Among most of our peoples, there is no church at all. It is our desire to find believers and train them to reach their own people. However, among one of our people groups, there is church! We are working with a body of believers to train them to start cell groups that are reproducible and sustainable. This outreach began in February, and by the time we return to the States in July, we hope to see 5 to 10 sustainable groups that are reproducing themselves and abundantly sharing the gospel among this Muslim people group. Please join us in prayer for this.
Soon after our Christmas visit with one lady in particular, a worker was invited to a birthday party at her house. As the worker was leaving the party, the lost friend told how she had been reading the Bible the past 5 nights and she wanted to ask some questions. She said, "I'm restless to know the difference between our books." The worker stayed and talked for an hour, and in that time, was able to share parts of 3 different Bible stories in order to speak to her very candidly and ask good questions. Please pray that this lost friend will continue to be "restless" and seek Truth in the Scriptures.
How do you prepare to serve as a missionary in a foreign land? As new Journeygals, Britnie and Sarah are finishing an intensive training of teaching, sharing, doing and praying this month in preparation to be Urban Youth Transformers among the Xhosa in Cape Town. Soon they will be saying goodbye to family and friends, boarding a plane and arriving in a land that is very different than what they have called home up to this time. How can you pray for them? Paul has this answer from 2 Thessalonians 1: 11-12, “To this end also we pray for you always, that our God will count you worthy of your calling, and fulfill every desire for goodness and the work of faith with power, so that the name of our Lord Jesus will be glorified in you, and you in Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.”
How do you prepare to serve as a missionary in a foreign land? As new Journeygals, Britnie and Sarah are finishing an intensive training of teaching, sharing, doing and praying this month in preparation to be Urban Youth Transformers among the Xhosa in Cape Town. Soon they will be saying goodbye to family and friends, boarding a plane and arriving in a land that is very different than what they have called home up to this time. How can you pray for them? Paul has this answer from 2 Thessalonians 1: 11-12, “To this end also we pray for you always, that our God will count you worthy of your calling, and fulfill every desire for goodness and the work of faith with power, so that the name of our Lord Jesus will be glorified in you, and you in Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Cape Flats
In 2011, Ronnie taught an evangelism course at the Cape Town Baptist Seminary. During that semester, the students had over 250 witnessing encounters with the people of Cape Town. Of those, 81 professed faith in Christ and were connected to Christian churches near their homes. Since then, one of Ronnie’s students has become pastor of a church of a church in the Cape Flats area, a very impoverished part of Cape Town. He asked Ronnie to train his church on how to evangelize the lost. Ronnie led an evangelism conference in February. Please pray for the safety of the people as they go out into the Flats and witness. There are many gangs in the Flats.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
February 2012
MUSLIMS OF SOUTH AFRICA. The real Christmas message. Even as many struggle with the true meaning of Christmas in America, many of our local friends have no idea about the precious gift that the world received when our Savior was born. On Christmas day, workers were able to give small gift bags to local friends that contained the gospel in the heart language of each lady. Pray that these ladies will be able to understand how truly great the gift of salvation is, and that it really is a free gift.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
January 2012
Cape Town Metro
Evangelism Team
During this year of 2011, almost
190 people, from all walks of life, became new Christians. They will have
celebrated their first Christmas knowing the real meaning of the celebration
and had the opportunity to share that with their families. Pray for each of these new believers to continue to be discipled
and to grow in their faith as disciples of Christ. Pray for the churches
that have undertaken to follow through with being a family to them that they
would seek to grow these individuals. Pray for the families of these new
believers that they would see a difference and would seek to understand what
has made a change in their loved one. Pray also for the person who led
them to Christ that they would continue to be allowed to be led by Christ to
speak to others about the gospel and to share Christ’s love.
January is the beginning of the school year in South Africa. The Cape Town Xhosa Student Ministry team will be starting this new school year in a total of 7 different Xhosa schools. Nomilinganiselo and Siyazakha schools are the newest additions. The team will be working in the life skills classes with opportunities to share about Christ to grade 6 and 7 boys and girls. Please join us in praying that God would continue bring in His harvest among this unengaged people group.
Answered prayer:
Many township children decided to
give their lives to Christ this year. Missionaries Bonnie, Bruce, Sheri,
Sarah and Michal work in 6 township schools each week tutoring children in
their schoolwork and teaching them about Christ. During this year the
Bible studies have become times of worship that the children call their
church. Over the course of 2011, more than 90 of these township students
have accepted Christ. Pray that each of these
children will grow in their knowledge of God and in their faith. Pray
that the missionaries will stay strong and run this race with endurance and joy
as they lead these children to God.
Durban Urban Evangelism Team
Please pray for the Heschs as they work
to share the gospel and disciple believers and leaders in Durban.
Johannesburg Evangelism Team
Around the middle of January, school and work begin
again. Students will return to the
Baptist Theological College. Please pray for them as they
strive balance work with study. Pray
that the students at BTC will also spend time developing their personal relationships
with God while they prepare for ministry.
Port Elizabeth Evangelism Team
Continue to pray for the Halls, their
family in the States and their ministry in Port Elizabeth. Pray for the Jensens as they serve in a
support role.
South African Urban Muslims
No place to call home. During our time at our
current location, we have come across several refugees, most of whom are from
East Africa. These refugees have come from terrible situations.
They have seen family members die in front of them, been victims of abuse, and
lived with deep emotional scars that can only be healed by a touch from the
Holy Spirit. Most urban refugees look like everyone else, but they carry
a great burden and a vast sense of hopelessness. As followers of Christ,
we are called to compassion and love. Pray for
God to move in a powerful way, and open hearts to his saving gospel.
Soweto Evangelism Team
Pray for Faith Baptist Church in Snake Park, Soweto. Pray for the leadership to be
diligent and faithful to God and the church as missionaries go on STAS. Pray for each one of the members and
adherents to hold fast to the knowledge they have of Christ, and that they may
do so in spite of false prophets, gossip and superstition. Pray they would grow
in spiritual strength and share their faith.
Tswane Evangelism Team
Please pray for the Vicks, their family
in the States and their ministry in Pretoria.
Windhoek Evangelism Team
Please pray for the Bullingtons and
Jones as they work with the youth and train leaders in Windhoek. Pray that God will provide work visas
for new members of this team.
Please pray for all their work in Africa. We praise God for all they are doing among the African peoples.
Please pray for refreshing daily as they meet the demands of taking care of all our workers around Africa! We appreciate them so much!
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