Cape Town Metropolitan Evangelism Team
Sixty-six% of South Africans are under the age of 29 and 32% are under the age of 14. Schools are a natural gathering place for all types of youth (sporty, academic, musical, social, etc.) In the LO classes with CTMET missionaries, youth are asking many questions like: “When I do something wrong will God forgive me? Where is God? Sometimes I pray but I don’t know God. Why must I trust Him?” Please pray that the Xhosa youth of Cape Town come to know Jesus, the answer to their questions. Pray also, that God would raise up national teachers and local churches that are passionate and committed to reaching this generation for Christ.
In April 2011, a Bible English Second Language course was begun by Gail Davis. The first lesson, 6 Congolese ladies attended and were very pleased to have someone invest in them with something that is important for their survival and success in a foreign country and among a foreign people. These women and their families all come from war-town Democratic Republic of the Congo. Three weeks later, 10 ladies are now attending the ESL class. Soon a door will open using the Gospel of Mark to explain why Jesus was a Fisher of men. Pray that these women learn English well and that they respond positively to God’s Gospel. Pray also that jobs will open for them and their husbands so that they can provide for their families. Pray also that the church which is hosting them will continue to be the conduit of God’s love and provision for these Congolese families as they struggle to get food with which to feed their families.
Durban Urban Evangelism Team
Phoenix Baptist Church is reaching out to the area around the town of Bulwar in rural KwaZulu Natal Province. They are planning a mission trip there to train local leaders. Ask God to provide the needed finances and to raise up local believers who will continue the work into the future.
The AIDS pandemic in Africa has produced a multitude of orphans. The churches of KwaZulu Natal Baptist Association care for 18 teenaged orphans at Khulani Haven Orphanage. These soon to be young adults have many hopes and dreams for the future. Although these teens have grown up in a group home atmosphere, pray that the opportunities they have to spend in the homes of church families during holidays will allow them to see a model of what a Christian home and family should be like so that they will desire the same for themselves when they are grown. Pray also for opportunities for scholarships and other aid to allow them the opportunity to receive a higher education so that they will be able to capably function in today’s world.
Johannesburg Evangelism Team
International World Changers are returning to help the Joburg Team. They will be working with students and teachers at two different schools. Pray for the team members as they prepare to share at Joburg Girls’ Prep School in the mornings and teach “American Sports” at Barnato HS in the afternoons. Pray that God will open the hearts to hear His Gospel!
Port Elizabeth Evangelism Team
Continue to pray for the Halls, their family in the States and their ministry in Port Elizabeth. Pray for the Jensens as they serve in a support role.
Soweto Evangelism Team
For the second year, International World Changers are coming to Soweto. Last year the group worked with us when South Africa hosted the Soccer World Cup. This July about 35 kids will teach True Love Waits (a Biblical sex education program) and leadership skills in four different high schools. In addition they will hang out with the kids while teaching ‘American’ sports. Pray for their training and all the preparations. Pray for their time here to be safe, godly and to follow God’s plan. Pray for the kids they interact with them to understand Christ’s love and to want a relationship with Him.
Tswane Evangelism Team
Pray for the Bible studies and ministry going on in Pretoria. Pray that a strong church will be started in downtown Pretoria.
Windhoek Evangelism Team
Career missionaries, Bryan and Dana Bullington, ask you to pray as we will be hosting a volunteer team of youth coming from FBC Woodway in Waco Texas in June to work alongside us with the Namibian youth. The volunteers will be speaking, performing drama and leading music in local schools, as well as at the weekly youth outreaches.
Please pray for the volunteer’s safety as they travel to and from Namibia and for them to remain healthy throughout their stay. They will also be a part of our annual youth camp. We are excited about our theme, iExpect, which will be carried out through studies of basic discipleship. We appreciate your prayers for this camp weekend, June 17-19, asking that our youth will be open to where God will be leading them.
Support Center:
Finance Team
The FST praises God for time and opportunities team members have in outside the office ministry. Pray for salvation among the people they minister to each week. Pray that the team will not get discouraged by all the changes that have taken place in the Finance Department.
Logistics Team
Pray for all the logistics staff as they help workers with housing and transport. Remember Barry and Linda as they prepare to leave at the end of the month on furlough; Truitt and Cindy as they take on Barry and Linda’s responsibilities. Pray also for the new Support Center LC who is preparing to arrive with his family in July. Pray that wise decisions would be made in managing the Support Center and that God would receive much glory as we go about our daily work.
Pray also for our families back home that they would have a deep love for Jesus.
Personnel Team
Pray for salvation for those that are hearing the Word through all the outreaches our team is involved in.
Communications Team
Using their skills as writers, videographers, photographers and audio specialists, communication team members strive to tell the stories of God at work in Africa in a way that magnifies Him. They also report on current events and how followers of Christ are impacted by what is happening in their countries. Pray that their efforts will lead Christians around the world to intercede for their brothers and sisters in Africa. Pray that the church in Africa will stand strong and be a light pointing to the One who is a Solid Rock in the midst of turmoil and uncertainty.
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