Monday, October 31, 2011

November 2011

Cape Town Metro Evangelism Team
Many people are scared of speaking or singing in public. Giving a speech or leading a song can be a daunting task, especially for a 12 year old being asked to share with over 200 of his or her peers! Every Tuesday, Sarah and Michal work with 15 middle school students from Linge School, who are learning a story from the Bible, discovering the truths to live by from it, and then preparing to share the Bible story or help lead praise songs in a student worship service later in the week. It is difficult for these 15 young believers to prepare and not be nervous, afraid or soft-spoken when sharing or singing. Please pray for these students to have the courage to share the Bible stories they are learning and to boldly sing praise songs to God with their friends and peers. Pray for wisdom and clarity for Sarah and Michal as they encourage these boys and girls to grow strong in their faith.
Answered Prayer:
Praise God!  Within this past year alone God has done amazing things to bring Himself glory through the Xhosa schools ministry. He has opened the door to weekly being in 4 primary schools and 1 secondary school. In the Life Orientation classes, the Bible is being taught and students’ spiritually hungry questions are being answered. Close relationships have formed from the boys and girls clubs at 2 of these schools, leading to many opportunities to share Christ with students and their families.  Local Baptist churches and even a new church plant have embraced these youth and their families resulting in whole families making decisions to follow Christ. Thank you, your continued prayer support is making a difference. Please continue to pray throughout this month, as a film about Jesus life, death and resurrection will be shown to approximately 500 students and teachers within the schools.

Durban Urban Evangelism Team
Time apart from the normal routines of life to listen to God speak are all too rare in the lives of most people. More than twenty people from around the Durban area will join Roger and Meg for a weekend of quiet and focused attention to God once again this month. Individuals that spend this time away from regular life continually share testimonies of hearing God give them new hope, direction and strength for life. Join us in asking the Father that this season away will provide more individuals more opportunity to hear what He has to say to them.

Johannesburg Evangelism Team
Many students from all over Africa come to the Baptist Theological College (BTC) in Joburg with hopes to become pastors and worship leaders.  Many already have full time jobs. Please pray for them as learn to balance work with study.  Pray that the students at BTC will also spend time developing their personal relationships with God while they prepare for ministry.

Port Elizabeth Evangelism Team
Continue to pray for the Halls, their family in the States and their ministry in Port Elizabeth.  Pray for the Jensens as they serve in a support role.

South African Urban Muslims
Unhappily married.  Pray for Muslim women who struggle in difficult marriages.  Many do not feel loved because they are in a polygamous marriage or because their husbands have families from previous marriages.  The workers here see this as a stronghold of the enemy.  Almost every woman that workers here have relationships with are either in a struggling marriage or have been divorced.  Pray that these women will come to know the deep, deep love of Jesus, who will never leave them or forsake them.

Soweto Evangelism Team
At the recent Horizon Baptist Church’s mid-year general meeting they voted to sponsor Faith Baptist, in Soweto, as the church applies to the Baptist Union as a fellowship.  Please pray that these two churches will have a dynamic growing relationship.  Pray that more from Horizon will desire to help spread the gospel in Soweto and help disciple/mentor the Faith Baptist believers. 

Tswane Evangelism Team
Please pray for the Vicks, their family in the States and their ministry in Pretoria.

Windhoek Evangelism Team
Namibia, like most sub-Saharan African countries, has an extremely high incidence of persons with HIV/AIDS. Many of those infected include innocent children who have been infected from birth.  Most of these children live in poverty and have been abandoned by their families as a result of their HIV status. Needles to say these children experience very little joy and happiness in their lives.
Career missionary Lisa, partnering with New Song Family Church (NSFC) in Windhoek, are hoping to bring some joy and happiness into the lives of these children as they celebrate the birth of Christ with them this month. They will be hosting a Christmas party for the children at the HIV/AIDS clinic in the township just outside the city. They will also be distributing BGR’s Kits 4 Kids, providing school supplies for the children as they will begin their new year of school just after the holidays.  Pray with us that these precious children might feel loved and cared for by those participating in the event. Pray also that as the Gospel is presented that many of the children might find the hope they are so desperately seeking in Jesus Christ. And lastly, join us in praying that nationals from NSFC will catch the vision to reach out in love to those in need here in their own country.

Support Ministries
Please pray for all their work in Africa.  We praise God for all they are doing among the African peoples.  Please pray for refreshing daily as they meet the demands of taking care of all our workers around Africa!  We appreciate them so much!

“We give thanks to God always for all of you, constantly mentioning you in our prayers, remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.”
1 Thessalonians 1:2-3

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