Friday, December 16, 2011

December 2011 - Merry Christmas!

Cape Town Metro Evangelism Team
New Crossroads Baptist Church hired its first full-time Pastor at the beginning of this year.  They have been very actively surveying and working in the community to determine the real needs and to get to know the people.  The church pastor and elders have determined that the greatest need for the community unemployment.  They discussed with the Davis’ how to reach this group and to help them with their situation.  Ideas such as mentoring, job-shadowing, camps, career counseling, Bible studies, emergency assistance were brainstormed.  Please be in prayer for the New Crossroads Baptist Church as they organize to reach these people for Christ and as they try to assist them in overcoming unemployment.  Please pray for the team members in Cape Town who work with them each week. 
Answered prayer:
Over these last 7 months, the English Second Language class has been meeting regularly.  Many of the ladies who take this class are becoming very good English speakers.  During this time, also, some of their husbands have found employment.  Please pray for the safety of these refugees, their daily food, and the means to pay for rent.  Please also pray that they will not be evicted for lack of rent.  Pray also that the message from the book of Mark will impact them and their families.
December in South Africa marks the end of the school year and the beginning of summer vacation. For many Xhosa in Cape Town this four-week break is a time to pack up and travel approximately 700 miles to the Eastern Cape to visit family. Please pray for their safety as they travel through this accident riddled long stretch of highway.  Pray for refreshment and reconnection with the reunion of husbands with wives, parents with children, and families with extended relatives.  Pray that God would draw entire Xhosa families into a relationship with Him. Pray that the Lord would open the hearts of over 8 million Xhosa people who have yet to receive the gift of salvation.

Durban Urban Evangelism Team
Time apart from the normal routines of life to listen to God speak are all too rare in the lives of most people. More than twenty people from around the Durban area will join Roger and Meg for a weekend of quiet and focused attention to God once again this month. Individuals that spend this time away from regular life continually share testimonies of hearing God give them new hope, direction and strength for life. Join us in asking the Father that this season away will provide more individuals more opportunity to hear what He has to say to them.

Johannesburg Evangelism Team
Many students from all over Africa come to the Baptist Theological College (BTC) in Joburg with hopes to become pastors and worship leaders.  Many already have full time jobs. Please pray for them as learn to balance work with study.  Pray that the students at BTC will also spend time developing their personal relationships with God while they prepare for ministry.

Port Elizabeth Evangelism Team
Continue to pray for the Halls, their family in the States and their ministry in Port Elizabeth.  Pray for the Jensens as they serve in a support role.

South African Urban Muslims
Please pray for the many scattered in pockets throughout our cities.  Pray that they will come to know the deep love of Jesus.

Soweto Evangelism Team
Last month Faith Baptist Church voted to form as a fellowship church with the Baptist Union. They elected a committee.  Horison Baptist decided to have them as their mission.  Pray for the leaders that they may lead with wisdom and grace.  Pray they would also lead with integrity.  Pray church member would bear with and encourage each other, and that they would support the leaders.  Eleven people will be baptized early November, so additional members may soon join the founding members. 

Tswane Evangelism Team
Please pray for the Vicks, their family in the States and their ministry in Pretoria.

Windhoek Evangelism Team
Nangi is a very shy but brilliant Ovambo teenager who came to know the Lord three years ago. I had the privilege of meeting her shortly after she accepted Christ and began discipling her. Today, Nangi but has become a mature believer, sharing her faith with others and demonstrating an amazing trust in God’s will for her life.  Recently, Nangi, developed a real burden for the salvation of her family. Although her family claims to be “Christian” they do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Just a few weeks ago, as the girls met for discipleship, Nangi asked that we pray that the Lord would open the door for her to begin to share her faith more boldly with her family. Within a week that prayer had been answered as she began leading her family in devotion on Sunday nights!  This past week Nangi found out that she was not accepted to attend the university in Pretoria that she had been dreaming about for years. Yet, as she shared her disappointment with me and we explored the reasons why the Lord would have allowed this to happen to her in light of her faithfulness and obedience to Him I asked her: “If your family comes to know the Lord in this next year as you study here rather than in Pretoria, would that be worth the disappointment you’re feeling now?” and she answered with a resounding “Yes!”  Pray with us for the salvation of this family!  Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household. Acts 16:31-32

Support Ministries
Please pray for all their work in Africa.  We praise God for all they are doing among the African peoples.  
Please pray for refreshing daily as they meet the demands of taking care of all our workers around Africa!  We appreciate them so much!

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