Saturday, March 20, 2010

March 2010 Prayer Requests

Cape Town Metropolitan Evangelism Team

A staggering number of 2009 matric students failed the exam. The CTMET spoke with the Principal of Linge School and will be beginning a tutoring program. Bonnie Doughty, Amy Boone and Sheri will be tutoring in Science, Math and English. The English part will be the learners reading Bible stories and from the book of Mark to see how much they comprehend. This is a way of helping them learn English and also learn about the Lord. The teachers, are thrilled to have assistance.

Please pray that the students will learn these subjects well enough to pass high school. Pray that through this program they will come to know the Lord. Pray that the missionaries will be able to minister to the teachers at Linge, as well as the students.

Communications Support Team

Pray for three Communication Team members who are going to Madagascar this month (March) to train pastors and lay people in Storying T4T and the use of indigenous Christian music. Thank God for opportunities to impact the Antandroy and Antanosy people groups, who have been adopted by the Communication Team.

Pray that the stories featured on the AfricaStories Web site ( will touch people’s hearts and encourage them to intercede for the peoples of Africa.

Pray for team members to be able to meet their deadlines for the next issue of AfricaStories magazine and for the AfricaStories and World Cup Web sites.

Durban Urban Evangelism Team

Please pray for Carol Bowers as she approaches pastors and key church leadership regarding Disaster Response Training scheduled for August 13 and 14. Pray that church leaders will gain a vision of ministry in disaster sites. South Africa frequently suffers disasters such as fires, floods, and strong winds in informal settlements. Pray they will see the need for training and preparedness.

The churches in the Natal Baptist Association will meet on Saturday, March 13. Ask the Father that they will be of one heart and mind in Him as they make decisions.

Finance Support Team

Pray for our team as the new financial reimbursement forms have been implemented.

Johannesburg Evangelism Team

Pray that more South African pastors catch such a vision for their areas and people.

Pray they will want to bring us along and that we will, led by the Holy Spirit, will have hearts prepared for the journey.

Logistics Support Team

Pray for all the support staff as they settle in to the new building.

Personnel Support Team

Pray for all our MKs who have resumed school. Pray they would all see and experience their value in the Lord. Also, pray for peace and understanding as many are struggling and grieving with the suspension of camps and AGMs.

Port Elizabeth Evangelism Team

Pray that Boyd Hall would have the wisdom necessary to equip workers for utilizing ‘KidsGames’ during WC2010 - life-changing ministry by Christian youth to bring many children into the kingdom.

Soweto Evangelism Team

Brenda, a woman baptized in November at the church in Snake Park and used to live there with her mom and sis, recently moved to Tshepesong. This is one area our team had identified as a place to begin work in the future. But we praise God, as He had it planned long before we did. Brenda asked for a Bible study in her home and wanted to invite her neighbors. Alan Locke goes on a Friday afternoon and takes one or two young men from Snake Park who hear the story on a Tuesday, with the goal to tell the story in another setting. The first Friday, she said she had a friend in the next township over, Kagiso, who we should visit. So Alan and 4 others headed to her home. There Brenda told half the story, the young man from Snake Park another part and a young woman from the Tshepesong the study told more. This was really exciting and fulfilled our goal to get local people to tell family and friends and to lead Bible studies. Pray that these studies would evolve into churches.

Tshwane Evangelism Team

One of the major problems of planting churches in the urban center of Pretoria is that facilities for worship and ministry must be rented or purchased. These facilities are usually less than adequate and very difficult to find and expensive. Often, the church must share facilities with several other churches and this usually creates a less than ideal situation. Please pray about future solutions to this problem. Pray that we might be able to establish a strong indigenous church with its own facilities or a ministry center where multiple churches and ministries could be based. From this place other churches, ministries, training, and outreaches could be begun. This would require a big miracle. So pray. We have a God that can do far more than what we dream or think is even possible.

Windhoek Evangelism Team

Windhoek, the capital of Namibia, is located on a plateau between the Kalahari and Namib deserts. Most of the year the climate is very dry and thus as one looks out across the city all that one can see is dry dusty land. Although the city is surrounded by mountains there is very little color. In fact, it seems that the only plants that thrive in this barren land are thorn trees and cactus.

And yet, there are a couple of months each year that the rains come. And when the rains come what a transformation is seen in the city! It’s as if suddenly everything comes to life. The shrubs and trees turn green and flowers bloom in abundance. Even the cactus and thorn trees suddenly sprout blooms of vibrant yellows, reds, and pinks. The dry river beds are filled with water and waterfalls appear where there was once nothing but rock and stone. Surely it is a sight to behold as the desert comes into bloom each year!

The people of Namibia are much like the land in which they live. Many of them are spiritually dry and wasted, desperately looking for the rains to come. Yet many are looking in the wrong places. Pray with the Windhoek Urban Team as they seek God’s will as to the best way to reach those who are searching. Pray that just as the rains came this year and transformed the land, that the Holy Sprit would come and transform lives in order that we might experience the wonder that the prophet spoke about in Isa. 35:6 “…for waters shall burst forth in the wilderness, and streams in the desert.”

Soccer in South Africa!!

The big “Every 4 Year” soccer event that involves countries from all over the world is fast approaching. Many plans are being made to share the gospel within South African communities and with the thousands of people coming from all over the world!

Pray for a great response by the Christian community to opportunities for outreach and evangelism during the world event being held in South Africa in June and July.

Pray for the volunteer teams that are coming to help with ministry during this time!