Friday, December 16, 2011

Pastor in Pain

Please pray for Pastor L, in Joburg, South Africa.  He fell off a ladder a couple of weeks ago and broke his ankle.  He had surgery, but is still in severe pain.  He has gone back into hospital and the doctors are deciding if they need to do more surgery.  Pray that the doctors make the right decision quickly.  Pray that his pain will be healed!  Pray for his immediate family and church family.  He has had other health issues in the past.

December 2011 - Merry Christmas!

Cape Town Metro Evangelism Team
New Crossroads Baptist Church hired its first full-time Pastor at the beginning of this year.  They have been very actively surveying and working in the community to determine the real needs and to get to know the people.  The church pastor and elders have determined that the greatest need for the community unemployment.  They discussed with the Davis’ how to reach this group and to help them with their situation.  Ideas such as mentoring, job-shadowing, camps, career counseling, Bible studies, emergency assistance were brainstormed.  Please be in prayer for the New Crossroads Baptist Church as they organize to reach these people for Christ and as they try to assist them in overcoming unemployment.  Please pray for the team members in Cape Town who work with them each week. 
Answered prayer:
Over these last 7 months, the English Second Language class has been meeting regularly.  Many of the ladies who take this class are becoming very good English speakers.  During this time, also, some of their husbands have found employment.  Please pray for the safety of these refugees, their daily food, and the means to pay for rent.  Please also pray that they will not be evicted for lack of rent.  Pray also that the message from the book of Mark will impact them and their families.
December in South Africa marks the end of the school year and the beginning of summer vacation. For many Xhosa in Cape Town this four-week break is a time to pack up and travel approximately 700 miles to the Eastern Cape to visit family. Please pray for their safety as they travel through this accident riddled long stretch of highway.  Pray for refreshment and reconnection with the reunion of husbands with wives, parents with children, and families with extended relatives.  Pray that God would draw entire Xhosa families into a relationship with Him. Pray that the Lord would open the hearts of over 8 million Xhosa people who have yet to receive the gift of salvation.

Durban Urban Evangelism Team
Time apart from the normal routines of life to listen to God speak are all too rare in the lives of most people. More than twenty people from around the Durban area will join Roger and Meg for a weekend of quiet and focused attention to God once again this month. Individuals that spend this time away from regular life continually share testimonies of hearing God give them new hope, direction and strength for life. Join us in asking the Father that this season away will provide more individuals more opportunity to hear what He has to say to them.

Johannesburg Evangelism Team
Many students from all over Africa come to the Baptist Theological College (BTC) in Joburg with hopes to become pastors and worship leaders.  Many already have full time jobs. Please pray for them as learn to balance work with study.  Pray that the students at BTC will also spend time developing their personal relationships with God while they prepare for ministry.

Port Elizabeth Evangelism Team
Continue to pray for the Halls, their family in the States and their ministry in Port Elizabeth.  Pray for the Jensens as they serve in a support role.

South African Urban Muslims
Please pray for the many scattered in pockets throughout our cities.  Pray that they will come to know the deep love of Jesus.

Soweto Evangelism Team
Last month Faith Baptist Church voted to form as a fellowship church with the Baptist Union. They elected a committee.  Horison Baptist decided to have them as their mission.  Pray for the leaders that they may lead with wisdom and grace.  Pray they would also lead with integrity.  Pray church member would bear with and encourage each other, and that they would support the leaders.  Eleven people will be baptized early November, so additional members may soon join the founding members. 

Tswane Evangelism Team
Please pray for the Vicks, their family in the States and their ministry in Pretoria.

Windhoek Evangelism Team
Nangi is a very shy but brilliant Ovambo teenager who came to know the Lord three years ago. I had the privilege of meeting her shortly after she accepted Christ and began discipling her. Today, Nangi but has become a mature believer, sharing her faith with others and demonstrating an amazing trust in God’s will for her life.  Recently, Nangi, developed a real burden for the salvation of her family. Although her family claims to be “Christian” they do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Just a few weeks ago, as the girls met for discipleship, Nangi asked that we pray that the Lord would open the door for her to begin to share her faith more boldly with her family. Within a week that prayer had been answered as she began leading her family in devotion on Sunday nights!  This past week Nangi found out that she was not accepted to attend the university in Pretoria that she had been dreaming about for years. Yet, as she shared her disappointment with me and we explored the reasons why the Lord would have allowed this to happen to her in light of her faithfulness and obedience to Him I asked her: “If your family comes to know the Lord in this next year as you study here rather than in Pretoria, would that be worth the disappointment you’re feeling now?” and she answered with a resounding “Yes!”  Pray with us for the salvation of this family!  Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household. Acts 16:31-32

Support Ministries
Please pray for all their work in Africa.  We praise God for all they are doing among the African peoples.  
Please pray for refreshing daily as they meet the demands of taking care of all our workers around Africa!  We appreciate them so much!

Monday, October 31, 2011

November 2011

Cape Town Metro Evangelism Team
Many people are scared of speaking or singing in public. Giving a speech or leading a song can be a daunting task, especially for a 12 year old being asked to share with over 200 of his or her peers! Every Tuesday, Sarah and Michal work with 15 middle school students from Linge School, who are learning a story from the Bible, discovering the truths to live by from it, and then preparing to share the Bible story or help lead praise songs in a student worship service later in the week. It is difficult for these 15 young believers to prepare and not be nervous, afraid or soft-spoken when sharing or singing. Please pray for these students to have the courage to share the Bible stories they are learning and to boldly sing praise songs to God with their friends and peers. Pray for wisdom and clarity for Sarah and Michal as they encourage these boys and girls to grow strong in their faith.
Answered Prayer:
Praise God!  Within this past year alone God has done amazing things to bring Himself glory through the Xhosa schools ministry. He has opened the door to weekly being in 4 primary schools and 1 secondary school. In the Life Orientation classes, the Bible is being taught and students’ spiritually hungry questions are being answered. Close relationships have formed from the boys and girls clubs at 2 of these schools, leading to many opportunities to share Christ with students and their families.  Local Baptist churches and even a new church plant have embraced these youth and their families resulting in whole families making decisions to follow Christ. Thank you, your continued prayer support is making a difference. Please continue to pray throughout this month, as a film about Jesus life, death and resurrection will be shown to approximately 500 students and teachers within the schools.

Durban Urban Evangelism Team
Time apart from the normal routines of life to listen to God speak are all too rare in the lives of most people. More than twenty people from around the Durban area will join Roger and Meg for a weekend of quiet and focused attention to God once again this month. Individuals that spend this time away from regular life continually share testimonies of hearing God give them new hope, direction and strength for life. Join us in asking the Father that this season away will provide more individuals more opportunity to hear what He has to say to them.

Johannesburg Evangelism Team
Many students from all over Africa come to the Baptist Theological College (BTC) in Joburg with hopes to become pastors and worship leaders.  Many already have full time jobs. Please pray for them as learn to balance work with study.  Pray that the students at BTC will also spend time developing their personal relationships with God while they prepare for ministry.

Port Elizabeth Evangelism Team
Continue to pray for the Halls, their family in the States and their ministry in Port Elizabeth.  Pray for the Jensens as they serve in a support role.

South African Urban Muslims
Unhappily married.  Pray for Muslim women who struggle in difficult marriages.  Many do not feel loved because they are in a polygamous marriage or because their husbands have families from previous marriages.  The workers here see this as a stronghold of the enemy.  Almost every woman that workers here have relationships with are either in a struggling marriage or have been divorced.  Pray that these women will come to know the deep, deep love of Jesus, who will never leave them or forsake them.

Soweto Evangelism Team
At the recent Horizon Baptist Church’s mid-year general meeting they voted to sponsor Faith Baptist, in Soweto, as the church applies to the Baptist Union as a fellowship.  Please pray that these two churches will have a dynamic growing relationship.  Pray that more from Horizon will desire to help spread the gospel in Soweto and help disciple/mentor the Faith Baptist believers. 

Tswane Evangelism Team
Please pray for the Vicks, their family in the States and their ministry in Pretoria.

Windhoek Evangelism Team
Namibia, like most sub-Saharan African countries, has an extremely high incidence of persons with HIV/AIDS. Many of those infected include innocent children who have been infected from birth.  Most of these children live in poverty and have been abandoned by their families as a result of their HIV status. Needles to say these children experience very little joy and happiness in their lives.
Career missionary Lisa, partnering with New Song Family Church (NSFC) in Windhoek, are hoping to bring some joy and happiness into the lives of these children as they celebrate the birth of Christ with them this month. They will be hosting a Christmas party for the children at the HIV/AIDS clinic in the township just outside the city. They will also be distributing BGR’s Kits 4 Kids, providing school supplies for the children as they will begin their new year of school just after the holidays.  Pray with us that these precious children might feel loved and cared for by those participating in the event. Pray also that as the Gospel is presented that many of the children might find the hope they are so desperately seeking in Jesus Christ. And lastly, join us in praying that nationals from NSFC will catch the vision to reach out in love to those in need here in their own country.

Support Ministries
Please pray for all their work in Africa.  We praise God for all they are doing among the African peoples.  Please pray for refreshing daily as they meet the demands of taking care of all our workers around Africa!  We appreciate them so much!

“We give thanks to God always for all of you, constantly mentioning you in our prayers, remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.”
1 Thessalonians 1:2-3

Monday, October 10, 2011

October 2011

Urban Teams’ Prayer Update for October 2011

Cape Town Metropolitan Evangelism Team
A sentence to prison for 7 years is what God used in Abongile’s life to bring his heart to conviction for his sins and an understanding of Jesus’ gift of salvation. For Eviwe, Sibabalwe, and Lihle, Abongile sharing his story is what God chose to use to bring these 3 boys into a relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray for more young men like Abongile to share their story of God’s saving power to others. Pray for God to continue to transform the lives of Xhosa boys and young men for Christ.

Johannesburg Evangelism Team
It has been reported that there are over 300 languages spoken in Joburg.  Several pockets of unreached peoples have been found living in the city of Joburg.  It is our desire to find more!  Please pray that we will be able to “map” the city in order to find more people groups and make a plan to reach them with the Gospel.

Port Elizabeth Evangelism Team
Continue to pray for the Halls, their family in the States and their ministry in Port Elizabeth.  Pray for the Jensens as they serve in a support role.

South African Urban UPGs
Language Teacher Wanted.  At lunch with a Moroccan Muslim friend, a co-worker and I were introduced to this Moroccan women’s South Asian friend.  We had been searching for a language teacher for several months after we lost our previous teacher.  Come to find out, this South Asian woman was unemployed and looking for work.  God opened the door for her to be our new language teacher.  She is open to hearing about the gospel.  Pray the Lord will honor her openness by revealing Himself to her and drawing her to salvation.  
Answered Prayer:
A group of Muslim ladies attend an Islamic studies class at a mosque.  A worker was able to share the "Creation to the Cross" story with about 10 ladies at the mosque.  They listened intently and asked questions.  Praise Him! The worker is continuing to invest in these ladies and was able to give the head teacher the entire Bible.  Now that the teacher has the Scripture in her hands, pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to do His work and move in her heart.

Soweto Evangelism Team
At the recent Horizon Baptist Church’s mid-year general meeting they voted to sponsor Faith Baptist, in Soweto, as the church applies to the Baptist Union as a fellowship.  Please pray that these two churches will have a dynamic growing relationship.  Pray that more from Horizon will desire to help spread the gospel in Soweto and help disciple/mentor the Faith Baptist believers. 

Tswane Evangelism Team
Please pray for the Vicks, their family in the States and their ministry in Pretoria.

Windhoek Evangelism Team
Career m, Dana B writes: “Sometimes in our lives we find ourselves being a part of something that causes us to think, ‘I was created for this!’ I have the weekly privilege of experiencing just that in a township outside of Windhoek.  A seventy-two year old Nama lady lives there and loves the children in that area through a weekday feeding program which she has conducted over the past nine years.  She is called Ouma (Grandma) Christina.  Monday through Friday the children begin lining up at her gate at noon and over  the next two hours about three hundred school-aged children pass through her home and eat a small portion of whatever Christina has to offer for that day.  She depends solely on the Lord’s prompting people to share their food and money to enable her to provide what is needed to feed His children each day. Every Monday afternoon, I lead a Bible study there for the seventy or more children who choose to remain after eating.  Ouma Christina and the children’s needs are great, but as I teach the Bible stories of how God performed the ‘impossible’ for the Israelites, I, along with Christina and the children, are discovering that God is still busy doing the ‘impossible’ today.  Please pray for Ouma Christina’s fragile health, for the food provisions to be plentiful, and for the children to discover and accept our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who wants to do the ‘impossible’ in each of their lives.”

Answered Prayer:
In June the Windhoek Urban Team asked you to pray with us for the Namibian women who had agreed to participate in the Breaking Free Bible study. We were asking that lives would be transformed as these precious ladies spent time studying God’s Word together, learning to apply Biblical truths to their lives. The Bible study has just come to a close and God has answered our prayers! About 15 women persevered through the eleven weeks of study and what a blessing it was to see how their lives were changed as they began to apply the principles they learned in the study. Pray with us now, that these women would take the truths they learned and share them with others in their respective churches and communities.

The Support Center
Please pray for all our support center staff as they minister in different areas around the center.  We praise God for all they are doing among the peoples in Joburg.
Please pray that God will and refresh them daily as they meet the demands of taking care of all our workers around Africa!  We appreciate them so much!
Member Care Staff:
Pray for health and endurance for Jane L as she works double with Denise on STAS.  Continue to pray for all the ministries spreading the Good News that our team takes part in outside the Support Center.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 2011

Cape Town Metropolitan Evangelism Team
Last month, a team from North Carolina came to Cape Town.  During that week they worked in 6 communities.  They prepared soil to be laid on a field for children to play soccer and while the children ate lunch they had the opportunity to get to know them and witness to them.  For the other 6 days of their mission trip they witnessed in different communities.  That week, 32 people gave their lives to Christ!  Pray for the new believers that they will join their local Baptist church.  The pastors of the churches have received the names, addresses, and phone numbers of these new believers and these believers were given the pastors’ names and the church phone number and address.  Pray for the churches that they graciously accept these believers.  Pray also that these churches be set on fire to go into their communities witnessing door to door and bring more seekers and new believers to the church.
Answered prayer:
The ESL class begun at Claremont Baptist Church is seeing great steps being made in English comprehension.  The ladies are beginning to understand English well enough to answer questions about the story and to read the Bible stories for themselves.  Pray for the health of their families as they go through the winter; many of them have family members who are ill and they cannot afford to buy medicine.  Another ESL class began in a suburb for 10 young Congolese men.  Pray that they will not only learn English but that they will also understand the Word of God from which the lessons are derived and accept God’s free gift of salvation.  Pray for each of these men to have enough food to eat, clothes to wear, and shelter from the winter weather.  Pray for them as they are so far away from loved ones and are concerned about their families’ safety. 
M. Bruce and Pastor Brian drove through the township of Phillipi, up to a small 2-room home about the size of a 1-car garage. Bongaliswe, one of the boys from M. Bruce boy’s club at Mzamomhle Primary School came running to meet them. Excitedly, he invited them into his home to meet the 6 others. After visiting, Pastor Brian invited them to the new Baptist church starting just down the road. The following Sunday, 3 of them came to church. Pastor Brian gave an altar call and all 3 of them along with 4 other boys from club came forward and asked Christ to be their Savior and Lord. Pray for M. Bruce and Pastor Brian as they follow up with these young men and their families.

Durban Urban Evangelism Team
Roger H. meets regularly with 10 men to challenge and nurture in their faith.  Pray that each of these men will grow under the leadership of the Holy Spirit and deeply impact their families, workplaces, and churches by being channels of God’s blessing and instruction.
Pray for Carol B. and the BARTeam as they continue to meet for First Aid Training and to proceed with a benevolent project for a needy nursing home community. Because of economic hard times, these folk live with the barest of necessities.  Pray that the love of Jesus will flow though the BARTeam as they minister to each individual and that lives will be changed.

Johannesburg Evangelism Team
When teams come from the States, it is easy for nationals to join in ministry.  But after teams return home, sometimes nationals tend to be less committed to the task.  Please continue to pray for the church plant in Bez Valley, downtown Johannesburg (Joburg).  Pray that those attending the home cell groups in that area will continue to be committed to Bible study and sharing the gospel with neighbors.  Pray that many will come to know Christ personally.  Pray for Pastor K as he makes an effort to combine the cell groups into a church.  Pray for their safety, as well.

Port Elizabeth Evangelism Team
Continue to pray for the Halls, their family in the States and their ministry in Port Elizabeth.  Pray for the Jensens as they serve in a support role.

South African Urban UPGs
Pray for a group of Muslim ladies who attend an Islamic studies class at a mosque.  A worker was able to share the "Creation to the Cross" story with about 10 ladies at the mosque.  They listened intently and asked questions.  Pray for truth to take root in their hearts and for God to bring to mind that story, as well as give them dreams and visions about Jesus.
Pray for W. as he conducts a “Camel” seminar on the campus of UKZN this month for nearly 20 students who asked for this special training.  He is also leading a “Go and Tell” seminar in Sept. for Asherville Baptist. Pray that many would come to know Christ as a result.

Soweto Evangelism Team
At the recent Horizon Baptist Church’s mid-year general meeting they voted to sponsor Faith Baptist, in Soweto, as the church applies to the Baptist Union as a fellowship.  Please pray that these two churches will have a dynamic growing relationship.  Pray that more from Horizon will desire to help spread the gospel in Soweto and help disciple/mentor the Faith Baptist believers. 

Tswane Evangelism Team
Pray for the Bible studies and ministry going on in Pretoria.  Pray that a strong church will be started in downtown Pretoria.

Windhoek Evangelism Team
Please join us in prayer that the youth who made decisions during the annual YWAP camp in the month of June would remain faithful to the commitments they made. Also pray that those whose hearts were touched among the FBC Woodway team, as they experienced international missions first hand, would be faithful to what the Lord would have them do in the future concerning the great commission:
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matt 28:19-20 NKJV
Answered Prayer:
In response to our prayer request for the month of June, missionaries Bryan and Dana Bullington state:” We want to thank you for your prayers during the month of June for our volunteer team who came to join us in ministry.  God amazed us in all that He did through the 22 member youth team from FBC Woodway, Texas.  They were well received around Windhoek as they performed in music, drama, and testimonies during school assemblies and afternoon youth and children groups.  Namibian seminary student, Rikondjerua, expressed that the Texan youth volunteer team ‘demonstrated once again that we are all a part of one Church through Christ.  Even though we have cultural differences, Jesus unifies us, for truly our mission is the world.’  Most days ended with the team walking and praying in different areas of town for spiritual breakthroughs.
The Woodway youth also joined us in our annual youth camp whose theme was I Expect.  Seventy Namibian youth were led in foundational teachings in order to grow spiritually and they gained a better understanding of how to live out their faith in their day to day lives through practical applications. Beside the wonderful times in Bible study, worship, recreation and eating lots of delicious food, many of the youth made spiritual commitments throughout the weekend. 
We praise God for raising up prayer partners for our June youth ministries and we thank Him for all the ways He has answered their prayers for us.”

The Support Center
Please pray for all our support center staff as they minister in different areas around the center.  We praise God for all they are doing among the peoples in South Africa.
Please pray that God will renew and refresh them daily as they meet the demands of taking care of all our workers around Africa!  We appreciate them so much!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Blankets for Namibia

Eastern Heights Baptist Church in Jeffersonville recently sent a team on an international mission trip to Windhoek (vend-hook), the capital Namibia, Africa.
People there live in very poor conditions. Just outside downtown Windhoek lie several “townships” inhabited by many, many people who are in desperate need of both physical and spiritual fulfillment. Partnering with a local church, the team distributed the blankets along with the gospel.  The team realized quickly that the fifty blankets they brought would not even make a dent in the enormous need for them. God has given this church a new mission and a project that will connect them with the people of Windhoek. They will continue collecting blankets for these people who have no other way to keep warm. One team member said, "A blanket alone will only satisfy one need, but a blanket with the message of hope in Christ will satisfy many."
Praise God for this church! Please pray for them as they share this vision and project with other members.  Pray for the church as they continue to bless the people of Namibia!

August 2011

Cape Town Metropolitan Evangelism Team
The CTMET team has been asking God to direct them to where He is opening new doors for His Good News.  Bruce and Sheri Erickson went with Pastor Lucas to meet the Principal and teachers of a nearby high school to see if God was opening this new door. The school expressed a need for help with Physical Education, the exact subject Sheri had taught in the U.S. God’s plans are good! Starting July 18th, every Monday, Bruce and Sheri will be teaching PE, building relationships and sharing the Good News with Sophumelela High School. Please pray that the doors to the students’ and teachers’ hearts would be wide open to receiving the precious gift of Christ.
Praise the Lord! God is raising up a new church plant that is within walking distance from Mzamomhle Primary school. Thank you for your prayers. Please pray for Pastor Brian, his wife and this young growing church as they reach out into the Phillippi township and share the love of Christ.  Pray that local youth and their families will come to know Christ and make this their church home.

Last month a team from North Carolina came to Cape Town to do missions work with the Davis’, local Pastors and some of their church members.  During that week they worked in 6 communities including townships, low-income communities and informal settlements.  They prepared soil to be laid on a field for children to play soccer and while the children ate lunch they had the opportunity to get to know them and witness to them.  For the other 6 days of their mission trip they witnessed in different communities.  After the week of witnessing was over, it was determined that 32 people gave their lives to Christ!  What a bountiful week.  Pray for the new believers that they will join other believers in their local Baptist church.  The pastors of the churches have received the names, addresses, and phone numbers of these new believers and these believers were given the pastors’ names and the church phone number and address.  Pray for the churches that they graciously accept these believers.  Pray also that these churches be set on fire to go into their communities witnessing door to door and bring more seekers and new believers to the church.
God is multiplying.  The ESL class begun at Claremont Baptist Church is seeing great steps being made in English comprehension.  The ladies are beginning to understand English well enough to answer questions about the story and to read the Bible stories for themselves.  Pray for the health of their families as they go through the winter; many of them have family members who are ill and they cannot afford to buy medicine.  God has brought them this far and He will see them through this season.  God has also begun a great act by letting it be known to more of the Congolese community about the ESL class.  On August 5, 2011, another ESL class will be begun in another suburb for 10 young Congolese men.  Pray that they will not only learn English but that they will also understand the Word of God from which the lessons are derived and that they will understand the gospel and accept God’s free gift of salvation.  Pray for each of these men to have enough food to eat, clothes to wear, and shelter from the winter weather.  Pray for them as they are so far away from loved ones and are concerned about their families’ safety.

Durban Urban Evangelism Team
Although English is the “business language” and “common ground” language of the cities of South Africa, leadership of the Durban Urban Evangelism Team has felt a need for a family to join the team who has knowledge of the Zulu language. Late last year, God answered that need and a couple is now established on the team who is able to communicate effectively with those who have minimal knowledge of English. Health issues have hindered this couple from having a smooth start to their ministry in Durban.  Pray that this couple will be encouraged with renewed health and many opportunities to share the gospel in the heart language of the majority population of Zulus in this city of four million people.

Johannesburg Evangelism Team
The International World Changers (IWC) team made a huge impact on downtown Johannesburg (Joburg) this July!  During their time, 319 heard the gospel and 40 responded!  Two new home cell groups will begin in the area without a church, called Bez Valley.  Please pray that these two groups will lead to a church.  Pray that the nationals attending will be committed and will grow in their relationship with Jesus!  Pastor R said, “I wanted to plant a church here.  Now it’s easy!”  They already have Pastor K ready to lead the new church!

Port Elizabeth Evangelism Team
Continue to pray for the Halls, their family in the States and their ministry in Port Elizabeth.  Pray for the Jensens as they serve in a support role.

Soweto Evangelism Team
The International World Changers have returned to the States.  Please pray for the follow-up efforts of Alan and Beth Locke.  Pray that they will find the men and women who became believers.  Pray that they will be committed to knowing Christ more deeply.

Tswane Evangelism Team
Pray for the Bible studies and ministry going on in Pretoria.  Pray that a strong church will be started in downtown Pretoria.

Windhoek Evangelism Team
Several months ago the Windhoek Urban Team asked you pray for God’s will to be done concerning the renewal of career missionary Ron and Lisa Jones’ work permit that was to expire in March. They shared that prior to their transferring to Namibia in 2008 that the government of Namibia had been refusing many requests for work permits for missionaries. The Jones’ submitted the necessary documents for the renewal of the permit, but somehow the documents were misplaced; and thus, only a short-term permit could be issued extending their stay until the end of June. This enabled the couple to continue their ministry, but left them once again facing much uncertainly concerning their future.
Despite the uncertainty, the two of them pressed on, trusting in God’s sovereignty in the matter. Ron agreed to take on another class at the local seminary and Lisa started two new Bible studies. And as usual, just in the nick of time, God responded to your prayers. Just a few days before the short term permit was to expire the government agreed to grant them a renewal; and not for the customary one year…but for two years!
The Windhoek Urban team would like to thank you for your faithfulness in prayer. Needless to say God is not only hearing those prayers, but responding in amazing ways!
 Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think… to Him be glory … Eph 3:20-21 NKJV.

The Support Center
Please pray for all our support center staff as they minister in different areas around the center.  We praise God for all they are doing among the peoples in South Africa.
Please pray that God will renew and refresh them daily as they meet the demands of taking care of all our workers around Africa!  We appreciate them so much!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Ministry in Cape Town

A team from the US joined the Cape Town team in ministry.  Throughout the week, they have had over 30 professions of faith in 3 days and a new church start happening next week end!  Pray for the CT team as they follow up on these decisions and train leaders for the new church.  Pray that God will give these new believers a deep desire to share the Good News with friends and family.  God is good!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Team from the US shows love!

An amazing Monday at Sophumelela High School in Cape Town. The team from the U.S. arrived safely this weekend. They have hit the ground running and proved it today as they were having their own sort of wheelbarrow race on Sophumelela HS "field of dreams." Treasures of the day include rocks, bushes, dead birds, cement with rebar, tires, and an assortment of rubbish. They did fabulous and even took time to eat their lunch with the students. Amazing how God can use an act of love in helping to clean up a field to speak volumes to the students and staff of the school. The Principal even came out to show his appreciation. What a great reminder of the team effort of churches, mission teams, prayer partners and missionaries that God orchestrates to share His love story. Thanks so much for being a part of this incredible ministry!

Monday, July 18, 2011

July 2011

Cape Town Metropolitan Evangelism Team
Every Wednesday and Thursday girls meet for an afterschool girls club at Andile and Mzamomhle Primary School.  During this time they do a variety of activities such as songs, games and crafts.  Although these activities are enjoyable, the best part of the club is story and journal time.  During this time missionaries, Michal and Sarah, share Bible stories and then give the girls time to respond to what they have learned by writing in their journals.  After 15 weeks of club, during the first week of June, ten girls accepted Christ.  Pray that they will grow in their faith and understanding of what it means to follow Jesus.  Pray also that national Christians will participate in this ministry.
In their third week at Xolani, m Sarah was able to answer this question that a studnet had written: "When I do something wrong, does God hate me?"  She shared with the learners in the class that when we do something wrong we must be punished and our punishment is to be separated from God. But God loves us and wants to be with us. God sent His own Son, Jesus, to die for our punishment but three days after He died, Jesus was alive again! If we will ask God to forgive us for the wrong things we do and trust that Jesus' death alone (and not anything good we do) takes care of the punishment we deserve. Praise God for this chance to share the Good News! Pray for the students to continue to ask spiritual questions.

Durban Urban Evangelism Team
Phoenix Baptist Church is reaching out to the area around the town of Bulwar in rural KwaZulu Natal Province.  They are planning a mission trip there to train local leaders.  Ask God to provide the needed finances and to raise up local believers who will continue the work into the future.
The AIDS pandemic in Africa has produced a multitude of orphans.  The churches of KwaZulu Natal Baptist Association care for 18 teenaged orphans at Khulani Haven Orphanage.  These soon to be young adults have many hopes and dreams for the future. Although these teens have grown up in a group home atmosphere, pray that the opportunities they have to spend in the homes of church families during holidays will allow them to see a model of what a Christian home and family should be like so that they will desire the same for themselves when they are grown. Pray also for opportunities for scholarships and other aid to allow them the opportunity to receive a higher education so that they will be able to capably function in today’s world.

Johannesburg Evangelism Team
International World Changers are returning to help the Joburg Team, July 21-30.  They will be working with students and teachers at two different schools.  They will also be sharing the gospel in an area that needs a church! Pray for the team members as they prepare to share at Joburg Girls’ Prep School in the mornings and teach “American Sports” at Barnato HS in the afternoons. Pray that God will open the hearts to hear His Gospel and that a new church will start downtown!

Port Elizabeth Evangelism Team
Continue to pray for the Halls, their family in the States and their ministry in Port Elizabeth.  Pray for the Jensens as they serve in a support role.

Soweto Evangelism Team
July 21-30, 2011 a team of 30+ International World Changers will be working in Soweto.  They will be teaching leadership development and True Love Waits in 4 high schools, plus American sports.  They will also be spreading the Gospel through street evangelism.  Pray for their preparations before they come and ours in South Africa.  Pray God would prepare the hearts of hundreds of students to hear and receive His life changing message.

Tswane Evangelism Team
Pray for the Bible studies and ministry going on in Pretoria.  Pray that a strong church will be started in downtown Pretoria.

Windhoek Evangelism Team
In May, the Windhoek Urban Team asked you to pray for the women’s conference “Mending Broken Hearts” that was to be led by a team of volunteers from Easter Heights Baptist Church from Jeffersonville Indiana. Career missionary Lisa Jones would like to thank you for your prayers and report that God answered in an incredible way. She and the team had prepared for 40-60 women and had over 75 women respond to the invitation to attend the conference representing 18 churches from all over the city! Many hearts were touched as several members of the team, as well as a young national, shared testimonies of how God had healed their broken hearts and brought transformation in their lives as they learned to apply God’s truths to their lives. 
Pray with us that the many Namibian women who have agreed to participate in the Breaking Free Bible study, as a follow up to conference, may see similar transformation in their lives as they spend time studying God’s Word together and begin to apply the truths they learn in their own lives.
Isa 61:1: “The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners” NIV.

Support Center:

Finance Team
The FST praises God for time and opportunities team members have in outside the office ministry.  Pray for salvation among the people they minister to each week.  Pray that the team will not get discouraged by all the changes that have taken place in the Finance Department.

Logistics Team
Pray that all legal matters related to the building (construction that is now completed) at the SC office would be resolved.  Pray for the new SCLC and his family who arrive soon that they will make a smooth transition.

Personnel Team
Pray for salvation for those that are hearing the Word through all the outreaches our team is involved in.  

Communications Team
Using their skills as writers, videographers, photographers and audio specialists, communication team members strive to tell the stories of God at work in Africa in a way that magnifies Him.  They also report on current events and how followers of Christ are impacted by what is happening in their countries.  Pray that their efforts will lead Christians around the world to intercede for their brothers and sisters in Africa.  Pray that the church in Africa will stand strong and be a light pointing to the One who is a Solid Rock in the midst of turmoil and uncertainty. 

News from Cape Town

A new door has opened for ministry at Sophumelela Secondary School. We will be helping out in the Life Orientation class with teaching PE (how cool is that!) Major answer to prayer to step on to a high school campus and share the hope in Christ. Monday, July 18th kicks off our first day in the classroom and then every Monday thereafter. Please pray for relationships to be built, needs to be met, and tons of opportunities to share the best news of all- God's Good News! Thanks so much!
Sheri and Bruce Erickson

Sunday, June 12, 2011

June 2011

Cape Town Metropolitan Evangelism Team
Sixty-six% of South Africans are under the age of 29 and 32% are under the age of 14. Schools are a natural gathering place for all types of youth (sporty, academic, musical, social, etc.) In the LO classes with CTMET missionaries, youth are asking many questions like: “When I do something wrong will God forgive me? Where is God? Sometimes I pray but I don’t know God. Why must I trust Him?” Please pray that the Xhosa youth of Cape Town come to know Jesus, the answer to their questions. Pray also, that God would raise up national teachers and local churches that are passionate and committed to reaching this generation for Christ.
In April 2011, a Bible English Second Language course was begun by Gail Davis.  The first lesson, 6 Congolese ladies attended and were very pleased to have someone invest in them with something that is important for their survival and success in a foreign country and among a foreign people.  These women and their families all come from war-town Democratic Republic of the Congo.   Three weeks later, 10 ladies are now attending the ESL class.  Soon a door will open using the Gospel of Mark to explain why Jesus was a Fisher of men.  Pray that these women learn English well and that they respond positively to God’s Gospel.  Pray also that jobs will open for them and their husbands so that they can provide for their families.  Pray also that the church which is hosting them will continue to be the conduit of God’s love and provision for these Congolese families as they struggle to get food with which to feed their families.

Durban Urban Evangelism Team
Phoenix Baptist Church is reaching out to the area around the town of Bulwar in rural KwaZulu Natal Province.  They are planning a mission trip there to train local leaders.  Ask God to provide the needed finances and to raise up local believers who will continue the work into the future.
The AIDS pandemic in Africa has produced a multitude of orphans.  The churches of KwaZulu Natal Baptist Association care for 18 teenaged orphans at Khulani Haven Orphanage.  These soon to be young adults have many hopes and dreams for the future. Although these teens have grown up in a group home atmosphere, pray that the opportunities they have to spend in the homes of church families during holidays will allow them to see a model of what a Christian home and family should be like so that they will desire the same for themselves when they are grown. Pray also for opportunities for scholarships and other aid to allow them the opportunity to receive a higher education so that they will be able to capably function in today’s world.

Johannesburg Evangelism Team
International World Changers are returning to help the Joburg Team.  They will be working with students and teachers at two different schools.  Pray for the team members as they prepare to share at Joburg Girls’ Prep School in the mornings and teach “American Sports” at Barnato HS in the afternoons. Pray that God will open the hearts to hear His Gospel!

Port Elizabeth Evangelism Team
Continue to pray for the Halls, their family in the States and their ministry in Port Elizabeth.  Pray for the Jensens as they serve in a support role.

Soweto Evangelism Team
For the second year, International World Changers are coming to Soweto.  Last year the group worked with us when South Africa hosted the Soccer World Cup.  This July about 35 kids will teach True Love Waits (a Biblical sex education program) and leadership skills in four different high schools.  In addition they will hang out with the kids while teaching ‘American’ sports.  Pray for their training and all the preparations.  Pray for their time here to be safe, godly and to follow God’s plan.  Pray for the kids they interact with them to understand Christ’s love and to want a relationship with Him.

Tswane Evangelism Team
Pray for the Bible studies and ministry going on in Pretoria.  Pray that a strong church will be started in downtown Pretoria.

Windhoek Evangelism Team
Career missionaries, Bryan and Dana Bullington, ask you to pray as we will be hosting a volunteer team of youth coming from FBC Woodway in Waco Texas in June to work alongside us with the Namibian youth.  The volunteers will be speaking, performing drama and leading music in local schools, as well as at the weekly youth outreaches. 
Please pray for the volunteer’s safety as they travel to and from Namibia and for them to remain healthy throughout their stay.  They will also be a part of our annual youth camp.  We are excited about our theme, iExpect, which will be carried out through studies of basic discipleship.  We appreciate your prayers for this camp weekend, June 17-19, asking that our youth will be open to where God will be leading them.

Support Center:

Finance Team
The FST praises God for time and opportunities team members have in outside the office ministry.  Pray for salvation among the people they minister to each week.  Pray that the team will not get discouraged by all the changes that have taken place in the Finance Department.

Logistics Team
Pray for all the logistics staff as they help workers with housing and transport.  Remember Barry and Linda as they prepare to leave at the end of the month on furlough; Truitt and Cindy as they take on Barry and Linda’s responsibilities.  Pray also for the new Support Center LC who is preparing to arrive with his family in July.  Pray that wise decisions would be made in managing the Support Center and that God would receive much glory as we go about our daily work.
Pray also for our families back home that they would have a deep love for Jesus.

Personnel Team
Pray for salvation for those that are hearing the Word through all the outreaches our team is involved in.  

Communications Team
Using their skills as writers, videographers, photographers and audio specialists, communication team members strive to tell the stories of God at work in Africa in a way that magnifies Him.  They also report on current events and how followers of Christ are impacted by what is happening in their countries.  Pray that their efforts will lead Christians around the world to intercede for their brothers and sisters in Africa.  Pray that the church in Africa will stand strong and be a light pointing to the One who is a Solid Rock in the midst of turmoil and uncertainty. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

May 2011

Cape Town Metropolitan Evangelism Team
For over 4 months the m team in Cape Town has been praying for God to open a door into Xolani Primary School within the township of Guguletu. Following many meetings with the Principal and teachers at Xolani, Sarah and Michal have been invited into the 6th grade Life Skills class for this new term, where they will be able to show the love of Christ.  Xolani is a command in Xhosa which means “You (plural) forgive, pardon or be at peace.” Please pray that S and M will be able to build relationships with the students and teachers of Xolani and will be able to share about Jesus who has forgiven us all our sins so that we can forgive others and be at peace.

Durban Urban Evangelism Team
Recently over 300 business professionals and university students attended “Success Now” seminars in Durban.  Each individual was offered the opportunity to participate in a follow-up course, “Three Keys that Open the Door to Great Success”, which promotes a visionary, goal-directed lifestyle under God’s leadership.  Twelve groups of individuals are currently participating in this course facilitated by volunteers.  Please pray that each individual will experience a reformation of their lifestyle in order to achieve the success they desire in all facets of their lives.  Pray that those who have not yet chosen to experience “eternal success” by accepting Jesus as their personal Savior will take advantage of the opportunity to do so during this study.

Johannesburg Evangelism Team
Several team members are in language school. Please pray for continued grace to learn a new language.

Port Elizabeth Evangelism Team
Continue to pray for the Halls, their family in the States and their ministry in Port Elizabeth.  Pray for the Jensens as they serve in a support role.

Soweto Evangelism Team
Pray that hearts/lives will be open to the gospel & hearts changed in Dobsonville, Snake Park, and Lehae.  Pray that those in leadership roles will keep persevering and would not become discouraged.

Tswane Evangelism Team
Pray for the Bible studies and ministry going on in Pretoria.  Pray that a strong church will be started in downtown Pretoria.

Windhoek Evangelism Team
Namibia has one on the highest suicide rates in the world. A recent study found that while the average suicide rate is 16 per 100,000 people, official figures show that the suicide rate in Namibia is 22 per 100,000; meaning that this developing country has the tenth highest suicide rate in the world! Many factors attribute to this including issues of fear, anxiety, and depression, particularly among the women of Namibia.
In an effort to address this issue Eastern Heights Baptist Church from Jeffersonville Indiana will be traveling to Windhoek and leading a women’s conference with the theme “Mending Broken Hearts.” Pray with us that many lives might be touched through the ministry of this team; and, that many women would respond to the invitation to participate in the Breaking Free Bible study to follow. As these women find hope in the saving power of Jesus Christ and learn to apply the Biblical truths they learn, may they then begin to experience the abundant life God intended for them and in turn share that hope with others!
Isa 61:1: “The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners” NIV.

Support Center:

Finance Team
The FST praises God for time and opportunities team members have in outside the office ministry.  Pray for salvation among the people they minister to each week.  Pray that the team will not get discouraged by all the changes that have taken place in the Finance Department.

Logistics Team
Pray for all the logistics staff as they help workers with housing and transport. Pray for their many ministries within Joburg.

Personnel Team
Pray for salvation for those that are hearing the Word through all the outreaches our team is involved in.  

Communications Team
Using their skills as writers, videographers, photographers and audio specialists, communication team members strive to tell the stories of God at work in Africa in a way that magnifies Him.  They also report on current events and how followers of Christ are impacted by what is happening in their countries.  Pray that their efforts will lead Christians around the world to intercede for their brothers and sisters in Africa.  Pray that the church in Africa will stand strong and be a light pointing to the One who is a Solid Rock in the midst of turmoil and uncertainty. 
Thank you for praying for the training sessions held in Madagascar in February and March.  Despite many challenges and interruptions, six Mahafaly scripture-based songs were composed during the music workshop.  Twenty-two Malagasy believers attended two weeks of training in biblical storying methods following this.  These trainees crafted three stories during their training, and then they formed four groups that will meet on a regular basis to craft stories for four unreached people groups in Madagascar. 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Easter Outreach

Last week, the Windhoek Team had a special Easter outreach at one of the local HIV/AIDS clinic.  It was a great success!  We appreciate everyone's prayers.
Please forgive me, the administrator of this site, because I did not get a prayer request out for this event.  No excuses are good enough.  I simply lost the request.
Again, we thank you for praying.  Please continue to pray for all those who were part of the outreach and heard the gospel message.  Pray that God will speak to their hearts.  Pray that those affected with HIV/AIDS will come to know that no matter what they are going through, God loves them and is with them!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Linge School - Cape Town

On any given Friday around 12:30 PM, 125 to 150 students from Linge School can be heard singing loudly praise songs such as, "We Want To See Jesus Lifted High" from the school's multipurpose room. For most of these students this is their only opportunity to worship the Lord within one of the many townships in Cape Town where currently there is no Baptist church. God is at work to change this. Following the sharing about Christ by m Bruce Erickson, 6 young men prompted by the Holy Spirit came up and asked to be baptized. On the following Monday, Bruce returned to meet with them and Mike M., the Christian teacher instrumental in helping start the Friday worship. They were encouraged to find not 6 but rather 16 boys and girls wanting to learn more about how to faithfully follow Christ. As the CTMET meets with them through April, please pray for these students to have a clear understanding and assurance of their salvation and for them to be able to move forward in obedience in their walk with the Lord.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Praise from Cape Town!

Blessed be our LORD! Seven boys and girls wrote out their testimonies in preparation towards baptism. At Linge, more students asked about being baptized. At Andile, during the girls club, Sarah and Michal had the privilege of seeing God move in the heart of one of their girls to invite Jesus into her heart. At Mzamomhle, 150 students heard the story of Boaz and Ruth or Amnon and Tamar and learning the difference between genuine love and counterfeit love. After school, 15 boys and 15 girls from Mzamomhle heard, some for the first time, about the greatest gift of love in Jesus Christ. Friday is student worship service at Linge, and once again, perfectly timed by God, a great set of stories to share about the many that Jesus healed (Mark 1:21-34, Luke 4:31-41, Mark 2:1-12, Luke 5: 17-26).
Thank you for joining with us in prayer. There have been some requests by the students for prayer concerning fear of evil spirits in their homes. Stories from the gospels will be shining the truth of God's light right into the darkness of an enemy's stronghold. Please pray that NOTHING will detract from the clear message that there is victory in Jesus Christ.
Thank you. Your prayers are a VITAL part of our ministry.

Friday, March 11, 2011

March 2011

Cape Town Metropolitan Evangelism Team
Centrifuge, will begin a five year partnership with the International Mission Board’s Sub-Saharan Africa region the summer of 2011. A FUGE team will be coming over to South Africa to discover specific ministries in which they can be involved in Cape Town. Please be in prayer as the discovery team seeks out ministry areas in which to work and then as they prepare their teams to return to Cape Town to begin their ministries this year. Pray for their safety and begin praying for the young people who will encounter Jesus through the Centrifuge ministry.
New Crossroads Baptist Church has been looking and praying for a pastor for the past 2 years. God has answered their prayers by sending Kwanele Yako and his wife. In an induction service on Sunday, January 30th before the congregation, local Baptist pastors and guests, Pastor Kwanele along with the leaders of the church confirmed that God has called him to the church and community of New Crossroads. Please pray that God would strengthen and equip Pastor Kwanele and this church to reach the Xhosa people within New Crossroads and neighboring communities for Christ.
Pastor Lucas Mpendulo and Samora Michal Community Church are believing that God has plans to start a new church in a nearby township known as Gugulethu. They have set up a tent and are asking God to draw their Xhosa neighbors to hear the hope of salvation in Jesus Christ. Every week day evening from 7-8 PM all the way to Easter they are inviting the community of Gugulethu to come. Please join Pastor Lucas and Samora Michal Community Church in praying for God to move in the hearts of the Gugulethu Xhosa.
Durban Urban Evangelism Team
Please pray for our team as we train, disciple and witness to the peoples of Durban.
Johannesburg Evangelism Team
Please pray that people of peace will be found in UPG’s in Joburg.
Port Elizabeth Evangelism Team
Prayer for Rhonda's mother, Neva Lyp, who suffered a herniated cornea about a week ago! This comes on the heels of her step-dad's heart surgery.
Please pray for Boyd's dad, Jim Hall. He does indeed have lymphoma. As soon as he returns from a mission-trip to Haiti, he will begin chemotherapy. The doctor's prognosis for this is very positive.
Give praise for the awesome experience with Uitenhage Baptist Church's youth leaders in a leadership "camping" trip!
We thank God for an inspirational Xee training in evangelism, resulting in an exciting new tool to reproduce with local leaders.
Pray for Rebekah as she prepares for a mission-trip to Slovenia during Spring Break from OBU.
Soweto Evangelism Team
We are excited, a Centrifuge discovery volunteer team joins us mid-March. The eleven members will minister with the goal of sharing the people and the work here with youth and kids who attend “FUGE events this summer. A partnership will be formed as a result. We pray the FUGE leaders will see where God wants them working and be able to share needs and God’s work. The March group will be in secondary schools, witness and spend one-on-one time with Christians from local churches.
Tswane Evangelism Team
The Women’s Precept Bible study class will be studying Deuteronomy for 8 weeks. Bev leads and hosts this class. Pray that we will have most of the ladies returning and that there may be some new ladies who join in.
A volunteer team will come to Pretoria from Feb. 19-28th. The team will be doing prayer-walking and evangelism in different parts of Pretoria and Laudium. The team is from First Southern Baptist Church, Scottsdale, Arizona. Four members of this team will explore the possibility of forming a partnership to help reach and plant churches in Urban Pretoria. Pray for this time. Pray for wisdom for all of us and for safety as we walk in different cities and pray.
Windhoek Evangelism Team
Career missionaries Ron and Lisa Jones just recently returned to Windhoek after a short Stateside Assignment and will be applying to renew their work permit in Windhoek this month. For a number of years prior to the Jones arrival in Namibia in 2008 the government had been refusing requests for work permits by our personnel desiring to enter the country. But by the grace of God, and as a result of much prayer, the Joneses were granted a two year work permit which will expire this month. Therefore they are asking you to intercede once more on their behalf, asking the Lord to have His will in this matter. Ron is currently teaching at the local seminary and is looking forward to beginning to train pastors in the local township. Lisa is currently involved in women’s and children’s ministry; and, the door has just been opened for her to partner with Philippi Trust in Windhoek in the area of counseling as well as training nationals. Both Ron and Lisa feel the Lord called them to Windhoek in order to use them in equipping and empowering Namibians to do the work of the church. Thus they are trusting that once again they will find favor in the eyes of the government to continue doing just that!
Support Center:
Finance Team
The FST praises God for time and opportunities team members have in outside the office ministry. Please pray for Tim and Jeanne Mahoney as they prepare for leading a week of preaching in Kitwe, Zambia for the Kwacha Baptist Church, 18 – 27 April leading up to Easter. Pray for clarity as Tim prepares the messages on the atonement and sacrifice of Christ, that people would come to know the Lord.
Pray also for the Bible study in Somalia Park of Tokoza Township where Dan Forman co-leads a Bible study with Pastor Benias for a group of believers. Pray that the members of the study would be bold to share their faith in their community. Pray also that the Bible study can continue when Dan goes on STAS in April.
Logistics Team
Pray for all the support staff as they settle in to the new building.
Personnel Team
Please be in prayer for changed lives through the True Love Waits program. Pray for God’s Word and design for the youths’ lives to be spoken through Richard, Kristin, Meaghan and Elaine. Presentations scheduled for March 4th at EBC and two at a local high school in May.
Also pray for salvation for those that are hearing the Word through all the outreaches our team is involved in.
Communications Team
Recent world events have demonstrated the powerful influence of social networking. Pray that the communication team will find creative and meaningful ways to utilize Facebook, Twitter and other social networking tools to share the stories of how God is at work and of how Christians can partner with Him in sharing His love in Africa.,,