Saturday, April 13, 2013


The evaluation of the volunteers (FUGE team from the US) with the Boitshoko leadership went well. Boitshoko already looks forward to the next team as they saw value in what the last volunteers did. Alan starts a Bible study on Fridays. This first time all the workers will attend. Please pray for open hearts.
I will lead an evangelistic Bible study for 5 times with the group learning marketable craft skills. And one session on running a business. Pray for the efforts of the Boitshoko workers. Pray for those learning a skill that their goods would sell to provide some income. A lady from a local church donated knitting needles for the group. Pray other local believers would donate time, supplies, visits and prayer.

Nationals in Namibia

This month has been exciting as we have seen many  answers to prayer, some of them  requests that we have been praying for since we arrived in Namibia 4 ½ years ago! 
*      This month, the children’s ministry we began at New Song Family Church when we first arrived in Namibia, was turned over completely to nationals!
*      The Breaking Free Bible study groups which Lisa began a couple of years ago continue to multiply, with at least 5 new groups meeting this year from 3 different churches…most being led by Namibians!
*       The school in Katutura where Lisa serves as counselor is in the process of bringing on a Namibian in order to ensure that the ministry is sustainable. Lisa will continue to serve as a supervisor and trainer at the school.
*      A young couple we have been mentoring for some time are feeling God's call into the pastorate, and have expressed an interest in church planting. Just a few weeks ago they began a Bible study in their home on Wednesday nights. Please pray for God's blessing upon this family as they step out in faith following His call. Also pray for wisdom and guidance for the two of us as we seek to encourage this couple.
In addition, if you would join us in prayer for the following:
*      Pray for the students who will be graduating from the Namibian Evangelical Seminary on the 23rd of this month. Pray that these young men and women would live Godly lives, putting into practice the many truths they have learned in their ministries throughout the country.
*      Pray for wisdom and guidance as we set out to partner with some of our colleagues in crafting bible stories that will address the many social needs in this country.
*      Please pray that we might have more rain. The rainy season is almost over and yet we have had no more than an inch or two of rain this year. This will prove to be devastating in the months ahead if the Lord does not intervene and send more rain our way.

Loving Learning in Cape Town

Cape Town Baptist Seminary has a vision to train the head, the heart and the hand. Classes are designed to cover all three of these areas to equip the student for ministry.  In the Children's Ministry track, students take Introduction to Children's Ministry, Evangelism and Discipleship in Children's Ministry, Education and Communication in Children's Ministry, Organization and Administration in Children's Ministry and Counselling in Children's Ministry. The seminary year runs from January through November. Pray for one student (B) who is a husband, father of three and pastoring a township church as well as attending seminary full time. He was sharing with his lecturer (an IMB missionary) recently how the Sunday School has grown and children are learning about the Lord. His excitement and enthusiasm was so evident as he shared that what he has learned in the Children's Ministry track has enabled him to equip and encourage teachers of the children. Pray for B and many other students who meet the challenge to share the Gospel with children and parents in their communities. Pray for the seminary as they train the head, the heart and the hand to equip students for kingdom work.

Pray for Work in Durban

April 17th marks the first day of R teaching Muslim evangelism through his local church’s “Seminary CafĂ©”.  Over the next couple of weeks, members and other interested individuals will be able to sign up to attend.  Please pray that no barrier will stand between interested parties and this training.  Pray that the Lord will work to bring many to hear about how they can share with their Muslim neighbors and co-workers.
-Pray for an upcoming neighborhood seniors’ event to be held on April 20th at Gethsemane Baptist Church.  Pray that many seniors would attend and that this day of entertainment would demonstrate the love of Christ to them.
-R had been sharing with J for several months.  When the restaurant where J worked closed, they had lost contact.  On a recent outing with the family, R happened to see J again.  Please thank God for this reconnection and ask Him to renew J’s interest in the Injil (New Testament).
-A attends the Tuesday Ladies Bible Study led by Robin Taylor.  Please pray for A as she continues to try and sell her home.  She and her husband have a Visa for relocating to Australia to be close to family.  This Visa runs out the end of this year.  Pray God would bring the right people to buy their home, and that they would be able to finalize everything before their Visa expires.  E is also a member of the class.  E’s family is looking for another home to lease.  Pray that God would direct their path to the right house for their family. 
-Twenty-two people have committed to come to the small group studies offered through Umhanga Baptist Church.  Please pray for these students to remain faithful to attend the classes and for them to gain wisdom and insight through their study of God’s Word.
-W continues to train small groups in both Trinity Baptist and El Shaddai Baptist on Tuesday evenings.  Pray for W as he prepares for the training, for obedience among those being trained and for God to use His people to bring the gospel to those who need to hear.
-Many of the ladies attending the Tuesday Ladies Bible Study have husbands who are lost.  Please pray for the salvation of these husbands and that they may accept the Lord before it is eternally too late.
-A young lady from Texas is most likely coming to do an internship through BGR (Baptist Global Response) at Tabitha Ministries at the end of June.  Please pray that all the details, tickets, shots, etc will be sorted and she will arrive in God’s perfect timing!
-R and J ask that you please keep praying for Pastor L.  Pastor L’s car was repossessed just before his son’s wedding.  He is rebuilding a vehicle, having started with only the engine block and the body.  He is buying the pieces as he can.  The windscreen has been ordered and he has already gotten it running.  Although there is still a problem with brakes that have seized up, the car will be owned outright when he is done.  Pray that his perseverance and self-discipline will be an example to the congregation that he serves and that God would be glorified through him and his family.