Sunday, October 17, 2010

October 2010 Prayer Requests

Cape Town Metropolitan Evangelism Team
Many of our seminary students are finishing up their studies this year and are looking for jobs. With the BU assembly in session, they will be interviewed as potential candidates for ministry in SA churches. These students are waiting for God's hand to show them where HE wants them to place themselves. Please pray for the ministerial students. We all remember what it was like after seminary wondering where God was going to open the door.
The church that opened up for all the new Christians after Life Champs Camp has called a full-time pastor. He has begun his duties but, since they are paying him full-time, there is very little money left for other things. One of their biggest ministries was the soup kitchen. This will be non-existent until more monies arrive in the offering. As this subsides, the young ladies Bible study that I have been teaching at the same time will also be stopped. Please pray for this church as it goes through growing pains; that they will listen to and follow God's will for the church in their community.
Communications Support Team
Five photographers, videographers and orality specialists on the Communication Team will be involved in ministries during Cape Town 2010: The Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization to be held in Cape Town, South Africa, from 16-25 October. Enabling video access to GlobaLink sites around the world, videotaping and photographing sessions and events, and providing orality training and resources will keep team members busy! Pray for flexibility, stamina and senses attuned to where God is at work and what He wants them to cover.
Durban Urban Evangelism Team
Recently 60 persons from 20 local Baptist churches received Disaster Response Training. This group will meet again on October 16 to begin organizing a local team. Please pray that leaders will step forward from this group and everyone will be unified in making plans to share the love of Christ in times when people need a helping hand. Pray that interest will grow in this viable ministry opportunity so that there will be a sense of preparedness if a disaster were to occur nearby.
Finance Support Team
We are thankful for temporary workers who have come in and helped to catch up after the new program came on line. W are also thankful that the system did NOT crashing during the World Cup! And we are thankful for the flexibility of the team as co-workers have gone on STAS and to help one another meet deadlines for the RVA Budget Committee.
Pray for quick adaption back into the office and FE for Gary and Bobbi. Also pray for a good time of rest and renewal for Alvin and Jane as they go on STAS. And pray Tim, Lee, Anna and Daniel Shaw as they settle in Joburg. Also, for continued learning of FE and ways to help field personnel learn how to send their ER’s and MER’s.
Johannesburg Evangelism Team
Pray for journeyperson, Amber Lunn, as she plans a large outreach ministry for Soweto and Joburg called, Serve Soweto and Serve Joburg. We are hoping to have several churches from around the area join the outreach.
Three missionaries met with the pastor of Bellevue Baptist Church hoping to encouraging him to begin prayer walking & evangelizing an area called Bez Valley once a month. Please pray that he and 2 other leaders would begin reaching out with the gospel in this area.
Logistics Support Team
Pray for all the support staff as they settle in to the new building.
Personnel Support Team
Please continue to pray for our personnel affected by many health issues. Also pray that critical job positions will be filled.
Port Elizabeth Evangelism Team
Pray for career missionaries, Boyd & Rhonda Hall, as they minister to youth in Port Elizabeth.
Soweto Evangelism Team
The churches in Dobsonville and Faith Baptist in Snake Park are both growing, but there is a lack of leadership. One woman just discovered how exciting it is to study God’s Word, so pray as she shares with others they would catch her excitement and also lead Bible studies. One young woman has been doing some Sunday school teaching. However, there are far more kids of a wide age range than she can handle on her own, so others must help. Career missionary, Alan Locke, has three young men in Theological Education by Extension and journeypersons, Rachel Jensen and Zach Townsend, both have people in discipleship. Another strong Christian young man has joined us. We are excited to see who God is calling. Please pray with us that people will grow into taking full responsibility for their churches. Pray also for someone to be called to pastor these churches.
Tswane Evangelism Team
The pastor of Laudium Baptist Church (Indian congregation) resigned the end of July and I will be helping them out on a regular basis and preaching at least two times a month for them. They are surprisingly in great spirits and praying and fasting and seeking God’s direction for their church. They are small and need your prayers. This church definitely has some challenges ahead, but I believe that God is going to help them to rebuild and make an impact on their highly Muslim community.
Pray for Victory Baptist Church, which is also in Laudium. This is an African Black congregation led by two Malawians. They continue to reach out and their attendance is between 20-40 people on Sunday afternoons. Though small they have also begun another church in another community near Johannesburg where there was no church. This church also may be facing a challenge of finding another place to meet for their services. Pray that God will continue to draw people to this church and that it will grow in numbers and in spiritual maturity and strength. Pray that if they have to find another location that they will find one quickly.
Bev’s Women’s Precepts Bible Study has completed part three of the study of Romans and they have a short break and then will begin the fourth and last part of their study of Romans. This Bible study really ministers to a number of ladies from at least five different churches. Pray for Bev as she prepares and teaches these fine ladies.
Windhoek Evangelism Team
Answered Prayer:
Original Prayer -
“Youth with a Purpose (YWAP) will be hosting its annual camp June 18-20!”
This announcement is always met with cheers as teenagers who attend weekly Bible studies in Windhoek anticipate a fun and exciting weekend. The annual YWAP camp is known for lives being radically changed. This year, the theme is “Worship” and the youth will be led to discover more of what it means to enter into worship of the Most High God. Music, testimonies, sermons, small group Bible sessions, recreation and fellowship will be centered around teaching this vital part of our relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ. The Chris Allen Band will be joining us and bringing to the camp their expertise in leading worship through music. This year we are asking God to move in a mighty way. Some youth will be hearing for the first time what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and will be moved by the Holy Spirit to give their hearts to Jesus. Christian young people will fall under conviction to get their relationships right with God as they confess sin and receive God’s forgiveness. We are asking God to move our youth group as a whole to a higher level of spiritual maturity. We are greatly anticipating God to perform a ‘spiritual leap’ throughout our camp weekend. Along with all these, we are praying that God will call out young people to commit their lives to serving Him in complete obedience and devotion in any area where He will lead them.
Thank you for praying for our youth camp in June and the discipleship that has followed. Many young people made solid commitments to stand firm in the power of Jesus, while others prayed for Jesus to become their Savior. God used The Chris Allen Band in mighty ways here in Namibia as they lead and taught how to come into God’s presence through worship. We thank God for your faithfulness in praying for our Namibian youth.

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