Monday, March 12, 2012

Durban Ministries

Roger and many Christian leaders around Durban are preparing for “Power to Change”, a comprehensive Christ-centered media campaign that will embrace Durban throughout September through print and digital media of all kinds.  Testimonies of local believers will be shared across the city, and local churches will follow up those who desire more information.  Pray for wisdom for all aspects of preparation, and for more laborers for this potentially great harvest.

*As Roger & Meg prepare to leave Durban in May, there is much to do. Please ask God to raise up willing people to continue mentoring various folks we work with, and for someone to lead the Discovery Group training Meg is doing at World Changers Academy.

*N and T lead a Friends of Jesus Club that meets Mondays at Upper Room Lighthouse Church near Chatsworth.  Forty-five children from the shack settlements nearby attend. Ask God to grow these kids into strong Christ-followers, and to protect them as they live in great poverty, amidst rampant drug, alcohol, and sex abuses.

Mrs. S is a big-hearted lady who runs the Drop-In Centre for Orphans in Tshelinyama (Blackstone) township.  The 45 children under her care live with either a parent dying of AIDS, or on their own. They come to Mrs. S weekday mornings for breakfast. Little ones stay for daycare while older siblings go to school for the day.  In the afternoon they receive a meal, homework help, and then go home.  Thank God for Mrs. Shozi and others who run 9 such centers, caring for hundreds of such orphans and vulnerable children (OVC). 

*“T loves kids and is starting a Friends of Jesus club for the orphans at the Drop-In Centre for Orphans that her mother runs.  Pray that Meg will be able to identify and train a mentor/co-teacher to help T learn to lead the Club well. Ask that the children, from pre-school to high-school, will absorb the teaching at their own level and learn to trust their heavenly Father for all their needs.

S is a young mom who has begun a Friends of Jesus club for her little sister and other children in the township of Chesterville (Umkumbane). Ask that God strengthen S in this new challenge, and help her to balance caring for little 8-month old, her home, and college studies. 

*Meg is helping to forge a partnership between the Bible Society of South Africa and the Community Outreach Centre, a Christian non-profit group that caters for the needs of orphans and vulnerable children in nine townships near Pinetown.  The project will train 47 community workers to share God’s Word with AIDS-affected parents and children using the “Proclaimer”, an audio player that is solar-powered. Pray for successful training on
March 27th and 30th. Ask that as God’s Word goes forth, it will empower the listeners to live upright lives in the midst of many challenges.  As many as 600 households may be reached in this way.

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