Saturday, March 10, 2012

Muslims of Southern Africa

A reproducing church.  Among most of our peoples, there is no church at all.  It is our desire to find believers and train them to reach their own people.  However, among one of our people groups, there is church!  We are working with a body of believers to train them to start cell groups that are reproducible and sustainable.  This outreach began in February, and by the time we return to the States in July, we hope to see 5 to 10 sustainable groups that are reproducing themselves and abundantly sharing the gospel among this Muslim people group. Please join us in prayer for this.

Soon after our Christmas visit with one lady in particular, a worker was invited to a birthday party at her house.  As the worker was leaving the party, the lost friend told how she had been reading the Bible the past 5 nights and she wanted to ask some questions.  She said, "I'm restless to know the difference between our books."  The worker stayed and talked for an hour, and in that time, was able to share parts of 3 different Bible stories in order to speak to her very candidly and ask good questions. Please pray that this lost friend will continue to be "restless" and seek Truth in the Scriptures.

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